no that was a rumour which was denied by el arabeya channel after 3 days from the rumoir this is the latest news they denied this on 17 october and also didnot u watch the chat with kaka on 26 october??? (see question 2 and 30)they asked him about his rituals before matches he said i read the bible and they asked him about his motto he said i is i belong to jesus and about his fave music he said it is gospel that was a week ago also he denied this rumour in italian soursec and said that he will always be an evangelist christian iam really surprised that this rumour is still going on even after the chat with kaka last week where he proved to be a very devout evangelist christian without even asking him about his religion and to believe me i sent u the links which proves everything here is the translation of some questions in the chat from and here is the link of the chat from but translate it from italian and u have to be registered there and here is the denial of the rumour from arbiya channel site which was one of the sources that spread the rumour even most arabic soccer forums denied this rumout later
what is this tourist ???? do u think that when someone makes a seach about a character and the word muslim appears this means that he annonced it???this word only appears beside his name in yahoo search because there were millions of fans searching this on the net when the rumour went on 3 weeks ago and the arabic source denied it translate it from arabic from google if u donot understand arabic!!
hey denise i think that i gave u the proof that noone can doubt from acmilan official site and from arabic sites what else do u want to get to believe that it is just a rumour?for god's sake how can a religious man change his relgion during a visit which lasted for 2 days only??there is not even a single official source for this rumour that is why el arabeya channel denied it 3 days later
2006-11-02 01:53:30
answer #1
answered by ♥Sherry♥ 6
no that was a rumour which was denied by el arbiya channel after 3 days from the rumoir this is the latest news they denied this on 17 october and also didnot u watch the chat with kaka on 26 october??? they asked him about his rituals before matches he said i read the bible and they asked him about his motto he said i is i belong to jesus and about his fave music he said it is gospel that was a week ago also he denied this rumour in italian soursec and said that he will always be an evangelist christian iam really surprised that this rumour is still going on even after the chat with kaka last week where he proved to be a very devout evangelist christian without even asking him about his religion and to believe me i sent u the links which proves everything here is the translation of some questions in the chat from and here is the link of the chat from but translate it from italian and u have to be registered there and here is the denial of the rumour from arbiya channel site which was one of the sources that spread the rumour even most arabic soccer forums denied this rumout later
2006-11-02 02:43:40
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
No. He is Christian, and married in a Presbiterian Church in Sao Paulo. Believe, it is the true, I am Brazilian, I know how I am talking about.
2006-11-04 11:29:45
answer #3
answered by Rose 3
yes, but there is nothing wrong with that hes a good player and thats what matters. you cant hate some one for his religion because they only show the bad muslims on tv. in their religion thier book says that you should let people choose whatever religion the want but the terrorists got it wrong so even if he isnt a muslim there is nothin wrong.
he annonced that he is a muslim himaelf .
want more proofs -
2006-11-02 01:54:39
answer #4
answered by Tourist 5
I'd like to know the answer to this question too!
2006-11-02 06:18:36
answer #5
answered by denise p 4
they say he converted to islam after their friendly match vs. Kuwait which was 3 or 4 weeeks ago.
2006-11-02 00:44:45
answer #6
answered by Valencianista 6
sadly he isnot .. i know from the from the beginning that it wasnot true just newspapers propaganda and i advised my friends not to spread it unless he announces it himself because this would cause embarrasement to muslims if it is untrue and that is what sadly happened and like people said here arabiya denied this news later when they discovered that is not kaka's official site and even there was nothing about kaka's conversion written on it so i translated some phrases from el arabiya denial and my advice to u brother muslims donot spread rumours about our religion it doesnot need rumours because it doesnot need kaka to make us proud of it
that what was said in arabiya:
Rumors spread last week that the Milan midfielder Kaka and the Brazilian team announced his conversion to Islam, against the backdrop of his visit to Kuwait, accompanied by the Brazilian
team.راجت الأسبوع الماضي إشاعة مفادها أن لاعب وسط ميلان ومنتخب البرازيل كاكا أعلن اعتناقه الدين الاسلامي على خلفية زيارته الى الكويت برفقة بعثة منتخب
ويبدو أن أحد هواة تلفيق الأخبار استطاع أن ينسج الاشاعة وينشرها في منتديات
الانترنت من خلال فبركة تصريح نسبه الى كاكا يؤكد فيه اللاعب أنه أصبح مسلماً بعدما اقتنع بتعاليم الاسلام وتدبر آيات القرآن الكريم.It seems like that one could fabricate news that weaves rumors and published in the Internet forums during the fabrication of a statement attributed to Kaka confirms the player that he became a Muslim after satisfied teachings of Islam and management Quranic verses. وانتشرت الاشاعة في المنتديات انتشار النار في الهشيم قبل أن تتلقفها صحيفة رياضية سعودية وتصبغ عليها صفة الرسمية من خلال نشر الخبر المفبرك بواسطة أحد مراسليها الذي قال إنه استمد المعلومة من موقع كاكا الرسمي على شبكة الانترنت.The rumor spread in the forums spreading like wildfire before Ttelcfha newspaper sports and endowed the Saudi official described through the dissemination of news Almvbrk by one of its correspondents, who said he felt the information from Kaka official site on the Internet. وعلى رغم أن الموقع المذكور لم يأت حتى على ذكر كلمة "الاسلام" إلا أن الاشاعة وصلت الى الكويت وتحديداً الى اذاعة القرآن الكريم التي أعلنت اسلام البرازيلي كاكا استناداً الى ما نشرته الصحيفة السعودية.Despite the fact that the site did not even mention the word "Islam" but that rumor and arrived in Kuwait, specifically to the Quran radio, which announced the Brazilian Kaka Islamabad on the basis of what was published by the Saudi newspaper. واستضافت الاذاعة مندوباً من "لجنة التعريف بالإسلام" الكويتية للتحدث عن "الشيخ" كاكا وكيف أن جهود اللجنة التي وزعت كتباً دينية على لاعبي البرازيل اثناء تواجدهم في الكويت انتهت بدخول الفتى الوسيم الى حظيرة الاسلام !.Radio and hosted delegates from the "Committee for the definition of Islam," Kuwaiti talked about the "Sheikh" Kaka and how the efforts of the Committee, which was distributed religious books to the players of Brazil during their residence in Kuwait ended enter handsome boy to the fold of Islam!.
The fact is not to blame for the reader passed rumor, what is the extent of sports journalism, which has the ability able to press forums have no scruples about lying and forgery, without putting any consideration of the consequences of Chris Besdeghitha reputation, in addition to the lack of awareness that the publication of such false news which could cause embarrassment to the Muslims and open contempt and ridicule them. ولن أتجنى على تلك الصحيفة والعاملين فيها اذا ما قلت انهم لا يمتلكون من المهنية ما يعينهم على الاشتغال بالصحافة, ذلك أنهم استسهلوا الأمر ونشروا خبراً كاذباً مصدره مجهول وهدفه التلاعب بمشاعر ملايين الناس في هذه البلاد الطيبة التي يحتفي أهلها بأخبار الهداة والمهتدين.Will Atjni that the newspaper and its employees if I said they do not have the professional appointed to engage in journalism. They Astshluwa matter and published a false report of unknown origin and purpose of manipulating millions of people in this country, people celebrated the good news and Almahtdin Truce.
Ironically, the newspaper that published the lie under the title "Kaka declaring Islam." did not notice that another Saudi newspaper published the news himself before the quoted statements, but the same "literally" to the Barcelona player and Argentinean team Messi. وكتبت في عنوانها الرئيسي "ميسي يعلن اسلامه" معتمدة على الخبر المفبرك الذي تتداوله المنتديات الاليكترونية منذ فترة مع تغيير اسم اللاعب بحسب المناسبة من ميسي الى كاكا الى مارادونا الى ايتو والقائمة تطول!.It wrote in its main headline "Messi declare Islam" dependent on the news, which Almvbrk ambition electronic forums for a player with the change of name, according to the appropriate Messi Kaka to Maradona to Ito and the list goes on!. والمؤسف ان تطالعنا الصحف المحلية يومياً بسيل من الأخبار المفبركة المأخوذة عن اجتهادات القراء في منتديات الانترنت وعلى طريقة "منكم واليكم" دون أدنى خجل أو شعور بالمسؤولية, بل ان غير مراسل في غير صحيفة بات لا يجد حرجاً في نشر اسمه أعلى تلك الأخبار بحثاً عن الشهرة أياً كانت !.It is unfortunate that some local newspapers daily rain of news tapes taken from the personal interpretations of readers in forums on the Internet and says, "you and you," without any shame or sense of responsibility, even in non-newspaper reporter can not find some embarrassment in the publication of his name higher in those stories, in search of fame, whatever!.
وما يحز في النفس أن اسلام ميسي وكاكا "كذبة" بقيت تتداول لفترة طويلة في المنتديات الاليكترونية وعلى مرآى من الصحف العربية التي ترفعت عن مجرد الاشارة اليها, بينما تلقفتها الصحافة السعودية وتعاملت معها على أنها حقيقة لا تحتمل الاختبار, وربما في ذلك ما يصف الحال ويغني عن كثرة السؤال !.What is hurtful to see that Islam Messi, Kaka "lie" remained debated for a long time in the electronic forums, and the eyes of the Arab press that the Trvatta just mentioned, while Tlqoftha Saudi press dealt with the fact that it does not bear the test, and perhaps in the case describes and sing from the great question!.
2006-11-02 11:53:30
answer #7
answered by football mania 2
no.He is a HArdcore Catholic Chrisitan.
2006-11-02 00:41:35
answer #8
answered by Answeraway-YNWA 3
He's Christian YAY!
2006-11-02 09:54:41
answer #9
answered by Bou 4
so i heard
2006-11-02 06:45:43
answer #10
answered by fatima b 4