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how would you evaluate lim (3x^7 + 4x^2) / (9x^7 - x^3 + 2)

btw, thats as x approaches infinity.

2006-11-01 17:59:56 · 7 answers · asked by snoboarder2k6 3 in Science & Mathematics Mathematics

i originally thought it was 1/3 too, but that rule doesn't work if the limit is indeterminate

2006-11-01 18:05:52 · update #1

dont know why, but my calc teacher says so

2006-11-01 18:21:54 · update #2

7 answers

Why not? If you divide top and bottom of this expression by x^7 you get
(3 + 4/(x^5))/(9 - 1/(x^4) + 2/(x^7))

Every term except the 3 and the 9 now has a power of x as denominator, and therefore approaches 0 as x goes to infinity,
therefore it approaches 3/9.

2006-11-01 18:15:09 · answer #1 · answered by Hy 7 · 0 0

lim (3 + 4x^-5)/(9 - x^-4 + 2^-7) = 3/9 = 1/3.

Looks to me that we've arrived at the same answer with 2 diffeerent methods. I would be interested in knowing by what reasoning your calc teacher says both are invalid.

2006-11-02 02:23:14 · answer #2 · answered by Helmut 7 · 0 0

Method I : Take x^7 common from numerator and denominator and then put the value of x as infinity the answer will come out as 1/3.

Method II : U can apply L-Hospital rule

2006-11-02 06:54:39 · answer #3 · answered by Napster 2 · 0 0

(3x^7 + 4x^2) / (9x^7 - x^3 + 2)
= [(9x^7 - x^3 + 2)/3 + ((x^3)/3 + 4x^2 - 2/3)] / (9x^7 - x^3 + 2)
= 1/3 + ((x^3)/3 + 4x^2 - 2/3) / (9x^7 - x^3 + 2)

As x approaches infinity, the 2nd term approaches zero, so the expression approaches 1/3.

I bet you misunderstood your teacher :)

2006-11-02 03:37:55 · answer #4 · answered by back2nature 4 · 0 0

You can apply l'Hospital's rule, and differentiate both numerator and denominator successively until it becomes determinate. You will be left with 3/9 = 1/3.

2006-11-02 02:46:17 · answer #5 · answered by Seshagiri 3 · 0 0

use l'hôpital's rule three times.
n - numerator ; d - denominator

n' = 21x^6 + 8x ; d'=63x^6 - 3x^2
n'' = 126x^5 + 8 ; d'' = 378x^5 - 6x
n''' = 630x^4 ; d''' = 1890x^4

n'''/d''' = 630x^4 / 1890x^4 = 1/3

2006-11-02 02:03:10 · answer #6 · answered by Frog Head Hunter 2 · 0 0


because the other terms become negligible as x becomes large.
Only the x^7 terms are relevant

2006-11-02 03:17:10 · answer #7 · answered by paladin 1 · 0 0

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