No, if you do not vote then you are slapping the face of all the U.S. soliders that died fighting for your right to vote.
2006-11-01 16:21:05
answer #1
answered by Curtis 6
Congradualtions 19 y/o democrat! I'm guessing you are either a democrat because either 1. Your parents influenced your political affliation or 2. You went to college and paid too much attention. I am very happy that you vote and I'm sure everyone in your happy little life tells you that it is very unpatriotic not to vote. But let me pose this question to you: Stalin or Hitler? Which one would you vote for? The answer to your question is this; Yes you still reserve the right to complain (with a valid excuse as to why you didn't vote for the nominated canidates) if you don't vote, because you don't agree with any party's views. Your non-vote is your vote
2006-11-01 16:25:39
answer #2
answered by ME 3
Unless you can give a good reason for not voting, like the previous person stated, you do not agree with any candidate, then you don't have the right to complain if you don't vote.
The "I'm not going to vote cause I'm too lazy." excuse gives no non-voter the right to complain.
The "I'm not going to vote because I disagree with all the candidates." Does give you the right to complain if your a non-voter.
It's all about why you decide not to vote. If you cannot cast a vote you feel right with, cast no vote.
2006-11-01 16:34:15
answer #3
answered by pyromaster7000 1
The wonderful thing about America is that we have freedom here, and that includes freedom of speech. So if you don't vote - yes, you have the right to complain about the state of things. But just don't do it in front of me because it'll annoy the crap out of me and I'll probably make some comment about how irresponsible it is to not vote if you are so disgruntled about this country!
2006-11-01 16:34:37
answer #4
answered by lemons 2
I will not vote but I will complain. About certain things. I have the right. Try to stop me.
My complaint and the reason I don't vote is because of judicial activism. When judges screw up and do their job wrong and they don't interpret the Constitution correctly, then the point of our voting is pretty much wasted. I will and I do complain about that and you can't stop me from complaining.
2006-11-01 18:43:01
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Absolutely! I am using my vacation time at work to drive 2 hours to Wisconsin, since that is my legal residence until my divorce is final. And all of that just so I can give my vote to the Republicans! Horray for diversity and America! I LOVE THIS PLACE!
2006-11-01 16:21:18
answer #6
answered by ptilda 2
And if you do vote and complain, what can you achieve by complaining? Who, in the government, is listening to you and your complains! Who things of you after you vote? and who remembers you before voting time?
Politicians are always there when they need you! Aren't they?
2006-11-01 16:30:09
answer #7
answered by Nikolas S 6
I'm inclined to agree with you... so get out there and VOTE REPUBLICAN!!!
2006-11-01 16:23:04
answer #8
answered by tnblond29 2
i agree.
2006-11-01 16:18:42
answer #9
answered by aishah 5
2006-11-01 17:39:58
answer #10
answered by just me000 4