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The cost of 3 maple trees and 4 elm trees is $85.00. If I buy 5 maple trees and 6 elm trees it costs $135. What is the price of each type of tree?

2006-11-01 12:13:52 · 1 answers · asked by SICK MY DUCK! 1 in Science & Mathematics Mathematics

1 answers

make two equations 5m+6e=135 and 3m+4e=85....you want to cancel either m or e so multiply the first equation by -3 and the second by 5

-15m-18e=-405 1st equation
15m+20e=425 2nd equation subtract the two
e=10 plug this into one of the original equations

2006-11-01 12:24:44 · answer #1 · answered by travislizzie 2 · 0 0

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