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Well, November is here kiddies. And do you know what that means?.....? No, It doesn't mean that I will get the stuffing kicked out of me. It means we will soon be eating lots and lots of Turkey! Speaking of turkey, who is the biggest turkey in your life? Example, the man who keeps hitting on you at the bar, your husband cause he picks his butt out in public, your kids because they still cash out of your wallet. Who's your biggest turkey?!

2006-11-01 06:47:07 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

JRS, I hate to say it but I don't think any one can top that! Lol! Tough break!

2006-11-01 06:55:31 · update #1

Sorry JRS, Mookie got a good shot in. That's hot! Tuff, very Tuff!

2006-11-01 07:06:04 · update #2

Brigget your hot and any man who makes up a girlfriend has some issues. I should know I say that to my girlfriend Betty Rubble all the time!

2006-11-01 07:08:55 · update #3

5 answers

My freakin' parents ... they lived with me for 6 mths. my dad ran over the apartment gates and crushed everything with his huge 4X4 Chevy truck - him and my mom got in a fight so he was pissed and just rammed right through the locked gates ... causing $ 2,100 dollars in damage ... I've seen about $ 200 of that since then and have to pay the apartments $ 50 bucks a week until it's paid off - or they'll send it to collections ... so yeah ... waiting for $$$ sucks .. they're both fat turkeys - but I love them to death ... !

I gave it my best .. lol .. how about this one ..

My dad owes me all that money for the gates ... but yet he still calls my friend looking to buy some greens (smoke) ... wtf ... you have money to buy an 8th but you can't pay your hard working single parent daughter back for the gate ... yeah his privileges are cut off until he pays me back so he has to use his own contacts now .. lol .. he didn't like that one.

2006-11-01 06:52:24 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I would have to say my alcoholic sister. My sister went to my boyfriend one night looking for pot, so he pulled out his bong and she was so offended and said "No I don't do that crap". He was so confused and said it is the same but you get higher from this rather than a joint. She ran into my house and told my mother that he was a crack head. My mother has hated my boyfriend ever since. She won't even come visit me and my kids because he lives with me. I live in the same building as her. My sister can't even remember what she did and she wonders why my mom hates him so. That is just the tip of the iceberg. She has been pulling crap like this for about 5 years.
I wouldn't call a turkey but more of a BIT@H. Thank you for letting me get that off my chest.

2006-11-01 13:39:25 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

My 18 year old daughter's ex-boyfriend who owes me over $100, but claims he won't be able to pay me back until Friday or Saturday, yet he has money to buy tons of scratch off lotto tickets from 7-11. Also he won't leave us alone and keeps on making up a fake girlfriend to try and make my daughter jealous.

2006-11-01 07:05:18 · answer #3 · answered by brigette b 3 · 1 0

This kiss as* co-worker of mine, I can't even get a word in to one of my manager's or anyone for that matter without her adding her one cent!! Ahhhh!! I don't like a suck up!!

2006-11-01 08:38:35 · answer #4 · answered by livlovelaugh 2 · 1 0

People who dont want to be loved ...so they have anger issues and call u names ...then someone wants to know if they can take a picture of your rump and show them ..what they are missing...LOL

2006-11-01 07:02:35 · answer #5 · answered by dreamy 5 · 1 0

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