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I work full time and my gf stays at home. It is ok that she doesnt really clean, or cook at all? I want to know what people especially women think about this. I mean I am not saying she needs to be a slave but at least do something while im at work. And when I get home she gets mad that I take a nap.

2006-11-01 06:32:33 · 6 answers · asked by Jack B 2 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

6 answers

Yes, yes and yes ... no need to explain ... she's at home all day ... what else should she be doing ... freaking watching soap operas and talk shows ... she should be giving something back to the household if she's not helping financially ... she gets mad that you take a nap cause she just sits there all day and waits for you to get home .. tell her to pick out a hobby or something .. buy some cook books - cooking isn't hard ... tell her you feel she's not attributing to the relationship in the way you expected and you feel like you're doing a lot of the hard work .. and for what .. so she can get fat on the sofa all day .. good luck dude .. lol .. can't stand lazy b*tches .. I work full-time, clean the house and cook dinner for my family ... it's not hard ... I do it out of love .. and I know how hard my man works - so cooking dinner is nothing .. he'll clean up so it works out perfect .. you need to come up with something for her to do and fast or you're going to be fighting a lot in the future ... !

2006-11-01 06:45:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, your girlfriend should do something at home while your at work. It wouldn't hurt her to pick up alittle around the house, or prepare a meal. If your out working to support her then she needs to do her part. Maybe if she did do something at home during the day, she wouldn't get so mad at you for taking a nap when you get home because she wouldn't have so much energy.
However, you shouldn't take a nap every day when you get home, she needs some of your attention and she's been home all day probably bored.

2006-11-01 06:43:03 · answer #2 · answered by ANGELA S 1 · 0 0

I just quit my job of 16 years because my husband is able to support us. I would not dare just sit around all day, not because i'm expected to do things around the house but because my man is out there providing for me and i want to make his house a home because i love him.You have a right to expect a clean house and a cooked meal when you get home. Don't settle

2006-11-01 07:00:29 · answer #3 · answered by donna h 2 · 0 0

Hello. I decided to stay home this year and be with my small children. I looked at many different programs, but ended up with one that was actually located 50 miles from where I live, so I was familiar with the company and its reputation, which has been recognized for its high standards and its contributions to the business world. It is not a program for everyone & how quickly you succeed at it is determined by you. I don't sell or track products. I market the company itself & its products & reputation sell themselves. If you would like more information with no obligation, please go to:

Good luck

2006-11-02 09:27:32 · answer #4 · answered by Anne 2 · 0 0

One thing you didn't mention is her age or health. Maybe it is her turned to be pampered. What did she do for you in the past? Is she well mentally? Is she lonely being alone all day. Need to talk with her see what is going on with her. Then you will know.

2006-11-01 06:42:06 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

She shoudl cook and clean. If she an't gonna do it make her get a damn job!

2006-11-01 06:41:59 · answer #6 · answered by angel2005_2001 5 · 0 0

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