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11 answers


So far we've seen no verifiable evidence of other sentient species. That said, I believe with some certainty that somewhere in our galaxy at some past, present, or future time, a sentient species did/does/will exist.

Why haven't we heard from them?

Perhaps they are not technologically advanced enough to be heard. They may be mastering stone knives right now, or experiencing their own Rennaisance.

Perhaps they are here right now. Any species sufficiently advanced to travel interstellar distances would be able to hide or masquerade with ease. That Boeing 737 that flew by may be a surveillance craft.

Perhaps they are so far away they will never notice us and vice versa.

Perhaps they existed a million years ago and died out.

Perhaps they will exist a million years from now.

It is really impossible to know for sure.

The Drake Equation suggests that there is sentient life out there. The Fermi Paradox casts doubt. Play around with the calculation form at the second link and see what you think.

2006-11-01 05:48:08 · answer #1 · answered by Otis F 7 · 2 0

Personally I don't believe in things without evidence, but i'm not sure what to believe when it comes to aliens coming to earth/abductions.

The first sighting of a UFO was in the 1200s, LONG before the invention of the plane, or any other flying mechanism for that matter. And since then there have been thousands of sightings, abduction reports and crop circles. A few abductions could be fake, maybe the person has a little too much to drink? maybe the person was mentally sick? But although the majority of people that got abducted had very faint memory of what was going on, some abductees mentioned that the aliens had implanted small pieces of metal inside their mouths and rectum, and sugeons investigated, indeed they found the metallic pieces. Some said to be abducted had chemicals in their bodies unknown to anyone on earth. So basically there is a big possibility that it could be true.

Firstly they have to be very very advanced to have the technology allowing them to travel to our planet, and if they are capable of achieving such technology, then they would have already invented something else to leave them undetected.

Other things, such as crop circles are suspected to be nothing more than a prank. But normally a crop circle is hundreds of meters in lenght, and is usually made up of a series of very complicated designs. No human or human technology available could make something as perfect as that just over night, without any noise or without being seen or heard.
I know the crop circle thing wasn't what you asked for, but something must have made all of them, and aliens are the only suspects. and If that means that they really are here, then they could abduct.

2006-11-01 05:33:27 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Absolutely, and I would stay away from those crop circles, as they have a time distortion vortex in them of some sort. This would be an easy way for aliens to abduct humans, and enough time to return (clones of the abductees) to the original scene without anyone suspecting anything. This a classic way for the Reptilians to obtain meat and the greys to bathe in body parts for nourishment.

2015-03-30 09:01:02 · answer #3 · answered by Janet Chadwick 1 · 0 0

No. The simplest reason is that I fail to believe that alien races, having invested the incredible expense and effort to travel from their home planets to Earth, would then do nothing other than abduct people from the boondocks and probe them anally.

2006-11-01 05:19:17 · answer #4 · answered by DavidK93 7 · 0 0

Ha Ha. No. Not really. Why would they bother to stick weird implants in our skulls & whatnot?
I'm sure people have seen unexplained things. But I'm much more likely to blame our own government's obscure agencies for the so-called alien abductions.
Aliens would probably have more more important issues on their agenda if they were to bother coming here. And I highly doubt those goals are to molest and traumatize us!

2006-11-01 05:26:05 · answer #5 · answered by Sweet! 4 · 0 0

Seems unlikely. There's no evidence, only stories. People deceive themselves and they lie for various reasons.

2006-11-01 06:59:21 · answer #6 · answered by cosmo 7 · 0 0

You've watched too many sci-fi shows.

2006-11-01 05:34:33 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i think that nothing is impossible. and i think those people really believe it happened to them.

2006-11-01 05:26:50 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You mean besides me?


2006-11-01 05:37:50 · answer #9 · answered by lunatic 7 · 0 0

how many presidents are we up to now?

2006-11-01 05:19:33 · answer #10 · answered by lifechanges4thebetter 2 · 1 0

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