Rhyming dictionaries are REALLY good for this sort of thing.
1 syllable:
bendt, bent, bente, brent, cent, dent, dente, ent, fendt, fent, gent, ghent, jent, lent, meant, mente, pent, rent, scent, schwent, sent, spent, stent, tent, trent, vent, wendt, went, wente, zent
2 syllables:
accent, ascent, assent, augment, bell tent, brown bent, cement, consent, content, dement, descent, dessent, dissent, dog bent, event, extent, ferment, field tent, fly tent, give vent, gourment, ground rent, indent, intent, invent, lament, misspent, outspent, pack tent, percent, pop tent, present, prevent, pup tent, rack rent, relent, repent, resent, segment, tashkent, torment, unspent, wall tent
3 syllables:
blessed event, canvas tent, chance event, circumvent, circus tent, cottage tent, creeping bent, discontent, field event, grave accent, malcontent, mountain tent, news event, nonevent, one percent, overspent, pay the rent, pitch accent, reinvent, represent, sales event, shelter tent, sibley tent, supplement, ten percent, track event, underwent, velvet bent, word accent
4 syllables:
acute accent, diving event, fifty percent, happy event, line of descent, misrepresent, portland cement, rhode island bent, rubber cement, social event, swimming event, tacit consent, tonic accent, to that extent, to what extent, twenty percent, umbrella tent
5 syllables:
advice and consent, dramatic event, economic rent, in any event, letter of intent, natural event, overrepresent, pyramidal tent, recurrent event, to a great extent, underrepresent
6 syllables:
bilateral descent, periodic event, to a greater extent, to a lesser extent
7 syllables:
unilateral descent
9 syllables:
breach of trust with fraudulent intent
2006-10-31 20:07:31
answer #1
answered by sophicmuse 6