Your age --------------------------87 years
your success field---------------technology
your dream come true on------2007
you will have ----------------------2 child, loving you very much
you will get a award
at the age of------------------------57 years
you will be suffering with stomach disease
2006-10-31 16:51:36
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Any serious astrologer will tell you that your question is too vague, as it was even the last time you asked. Thirty years ago $50 US was not an uncommon fee for casting a Natal Chart. A detailed delineation of your Natal Chart will indeed include vague predictions on such things as marriage and finances, but, as detractors are only too happy to inform you, these can apply to almost anyone. Any serious attempt to refine these predictions requires a progressed chart. Progressed charts take almost as much work, and are only valid for a short period of time, if they can be considered valid at all. My results have certainly not been satisfactory enough to justify the effort involved, which is why I quit doing them.
The point is, the answers you get here will be worth about what you pay for them, and you will get a lot of flack simply because you asked.
2006-11-01 01:26:00
answer #2
answered by Helmut 7
You must post this question in Astrology section...
You have wrongly posted this on Mathematics section...
Please Change the category...
2006-11-01 06:00:37
answer #3
answered by queen_06 1
Your name means "dreamlike". So you will succeed in life because you have the courage to dream and to do whatever it takes to fulfil those dreams. Good luck.
2006-11-01 06:57:36
answer #4
answered by ? 7
No one can say / Live each day as it comes.
2006-11-04 03:11:03
answer #5
answered by hoonexpert 1
require more details and have to come down to chennai to get your answer........jimboy
2006-11-02 00:08:10
answer #6
answered by Jimboy 1
what is the que anyway,
2006-11-01 01:14:29
answer #7
answered by Anonymous