I guess they seem to think that if they wave that little piece of paper around they will feel loved. I totally agree with you, about the paper thing. But it seems that when you are in love you wanna take it to the next level. Marriage. When you get married you give your living being to your partner. So I suppose thats why.
2006-10-31 14:56:25
answer #1
answered by HikariTaiyou 1
Love, trust, commitment & companionship are important to A LOT of people. A LOT of people do NOT want to breed indiscriminately so they get married so they can have children with some they KNOW TRULY LOVES THEM!!!! & NOT just with someone who says they love you so they can get a little.....
That little piece of paper makes your marriage legal in the eyes of the law. That way "IF" a marriage ends, there is legal recorce on both sides. As romantic as a "marriage of the heart" might sound, unfortuneately it does NOT always end up STAYING a marriage of the heart. The paper is merely a formality for legal reasons. Divorce, children, insurance, etc. I have NEVER thought that the marriage license was a disgrace. I see it more like "LIFE INSURANCE" you get it to protect yourselves & your children. Now a prenup. is a TOTALLY different animal altogether.
My husband & I have been married for 13 years & we have three boys. I trust him with my life & with the lives of our children. We love each other & we are committed to our lives together & the lives of our boys. We always know that the other is there NO MATTER WHAT!!! We did NOT need a piece of paper to tell us this or to keep us together, but we did it the way it is suppose to be done.
2006-11-01 00:30:44
answer #2
answered by More Lies & More Smoke Screens 6
"The only true marriage is a marriage of hearts"...that may very well be true but that "legal document" is good for a lot of things. I for one do not want to spend 20 years with someone and then some tragedy happens and I don't have a say in what the medical treatment will be or I have to fight his family for any money or anything he might leave behind. You get tax benefits for being married and filing jointly...there are other "legal" benefits to signing that marriage lisence. I also believe that when someone marries you that's proof of their committment to you. Marriage of the hearts is good and everything but you never know a person's heart and mind for sure and I think a person willing to enter into marriage it just makes everything official...
2006-10-31 23:07:50
answer #3
answered by Forever_Young 2
I agree with you - to a degree. Any marriage should first be a marriage of hearts. It's not that it takes a piece of paper to validate your love but if your love is valid what is wrong with making that commitment in writing? Most of the world believes in one religion or another. Most religions support marriage. The Bible says that marriage is an institution honored by God. If you had the choice of your union being honored by God, why not take it? Baptism is a profession of your faith to the world. Marriage is a profession of your commitment to your beloved to the world.
You know I could turn your question around and ask....If it's NOT such a BIG DEAL...WHY NOT go ahead and do it?
2006-10-31 23:13:04
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Marriage is legal. It is a legal commitment. There's the word you don't see in any other relationship. It's a true commitment to stay with the other person through thick and thin. And you can't just walk out so easily. How can you trust someone who is unwilling to make a legal commitment to you? That piece of paper gives you the right to inherit your loved one's property, talk to the doctors about your ill loved one, file for your loved one's SSI, etc., etc. Without that piece of paper, you are NOT NEXT OF KIN. If your loved one dies, you will be notified by the loved one's relatives who are the next of kin. If you were married, you'd be the next of kin, entitled to all rights. People are eager to get married because they want to feel safe, loved and cherished. They want commitment.
2006-10-31 23:43:28
answer #5
answered by Wiser1 6
I do worry about the young girls who look forward to the wedding more than the marriage cuz they love being the center of attention and being dressed up. They are insecire about friendships and looks and they are the number one person that day; then the reality hits.
2006-11-01 11:44:19
answer #6
answered by Jim G 7
People are stuck in the tradition of "Grow up, get married, have kids, settle down" etc. So they follow the process our parents did, and not question it. I guess some of it also has to do with the expectations of relatives, example: "When are you getting married?" "Don't you want kids?" "You want to die alone?" If you love eachother, live together. However, if children are going to become of the relationship, then the couple should be married.
2006-10-31 23:07:32
answer #7
answered by acedelux 6
People get married for a lot of different reasons...one big reason is because of legalities.
Do you know that if you're living with your soul-mate and he gets sick....and allowed only family to visit you are not considered family and you may not be allowed in to visit him. His parents and siblings will be considered family but not you. You may not even be allowed to receive updates.
You have no legal rights and you're wishes mean nothing.
That's drastic but it's reality when you're not legally married.
2006-10-31 22:59:54
answer #8
answered by daljack -a girl 7
well, for most ppl, they are just following tradition, for some, they are so in love with the person and they have to put it in writing to make the feelings stronger and show family and friends they are in love and are celebrating.. i think a lot of ppl do know that its just a piece of paper.. but its the celebrating of love that is making them want to MARRY and show the world.. we are married.. we are in love.. so u cannot blame them for that...
2006-10-31 22:56:36
answer #9
answered by The Punisher 4
For me it was insurance against growing old and decrepit all alone. I got over that. The second marriage was insurance against raising fatherless offspring. The third time will never happen, If this guy doesn't work out I'll take my chances by myself.
2006-10-31 23:13:17
answer #10
answered by sexmagnet 6