Depends on the individual not the race
2006-10-31 14:05:44
answer #1
answered by I ♥ AUG 6
The annual "Tour de France" bicycle race is good in mathematics, because they have to measure so many times and work out formulas to award points and bonus points, to find out who is the leader after each day, and who is the eventual winner.
I don't think any other race is as good in mathematics as this.
2006-11-01 05:58:17
answer #2
answered by bh8153 7
I think you will find it is more a question of culture rather than race. Some cultures are oriented toward study and achievement and others are not. And of course some are in a 3rd world environment that does not offer the opportunity for education. Possibly the smartest mathematician that ever lived may have never had an education so as to have his or her ability discovered.
2006-10-31 22:13:15
answer #3
answered by the_buccaru 5
Be careful with such questions as you're introducing racism in a subject, which is strictly forbidden not only here, but by the world. Anyone who can understand mathematical concepts can be good at it. Race is not at all a factor.
2006-11-01 08:15:19
answer #4
answered by Akilesh - Internet Undertaker 7
The quality of your math skills does not depend on your race, but rather your heredity, environment, and education. Also, many people have a natural knack for mathematics. Furthermore, your question is to broad. In math, there are many categories such as geometry, basic math (conversions, word problems,...) Algebra,1 and 2, Calculus, statistics, and many more. Personally, My strengths are in Algebra, Geometry, and Word Problems, whereas my weaknesses are statistics.
I'm sure it is just a misunderstanding, but please do not judge math abilities based on race. (or on gender...but that is an entirely different argument ; ) ]
2006-10-31 22:42:30
answer #5
answered by black_star_47001 3
I ALWAYS stay away from race issues because it is a very sensitive avenue.
As a math tutor, I find the Asians are very good at math.
However, the Asian educational system is FAR BETTER than our own. For one thing, they have discipline in schools.
Secondly, about 90% of all exams are WITHOUT multiple choice, which means they have to really know how to find the answer or else fail.
Does this mean, whites, hispanics, blacks and other races are not good at math? Did I say that? NO!!
I am simply saying that in all my years as a math tutor, I seldom have to tutor an Asian student because they already know how to play with math at any level.
2006-10-31 22:08:11
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
any race is capable of doing well in mathematics
2006-10-31 22:04:19
answer #7
answered by Hi How are you 1
the best are asians; they have the largest brain size of all the races. this also results is the highest IQs.
some people find these facts and your question controversial. i don't understand why this would offend anyone. it is pure anthropology, biology, and proven by research data.
i feel sorry for people so insecure, sensitive, and fragile to handle the truth. i am caucasian and i have no difficulty accepting that asians are intellectually superior to me.
2006-10-31 22:24:40
answer #8
answered by enchanted alchemist 2
no race is the best , all are good
2006-10-31 22:07:32
answer #9
answered by James Chan 4
Greeks. The climate, and the diet helps the mind to work in the best way they can...
So they result in a clear-minded person.
2006-10-31 22:08:21
answer #10
answered by Jejerian 2