Hum...intresting, but no probably not sounds like an infection..
2006-10-31 12:55:41
answer #1
answered by - 4
Not Necessarily. The Odour in your Urine is usually caused by dissolved comsuptions (eg medicines, herbs, etc.) and can produce a very strong smell. One, as I know is that while taking certain types of medical syrup will cause your urine to smell like one too. However, you can always go for a check-up if you're not sure if you're pregnant or not...
By the way, do you experience morning sickness? You know, the "nausea-in-the-morning" kind of feeling? If yes then more likely you're pregnant than your urine containing odour...
2006-10-31 21:10:41
answer #2
answered by Lacieles 6
Possibly. But then again, you could make just about anything into a pregnancy symptom. The symptoms are different for every woman, after all.
The only way to tell is to get a home pregnancy test, or get tested by your doctor.
2006-10-31 21:04:13
answer #3
answered by Elebrylla 2
What are the chances that you have a urinary infection? If it burnes when you urinate then maybe you should see your dr. Try drinking 8 glasses of water tomarrow and see if that helps it may just be concentrated from drinking sodas and teas!
2006-10-31 21:08:56
answer #4
answered by gaillee9 2
i don't think so! if you have smells that are not right that could be an infection! Get checked out and to be save take a test! good luck!
2006-10-31 20:57:23
answer #5
answered by mamato5Boys 4
im not sure i dont think so but y dont u take a test the blood test are the best kind
2006-10-31 20:54:53
answer #6
answered by mommyof3 3
Why don't you just take a test?!?
2006-10-31 20:54:09
answer #7
answered by jamieinreno 3