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This will be on my test tommorrow and i want to know what the answer is. can someone help me figure it out?

2006-10-31 12:28:13 · 2 answers · asked by Ballerina 1 in Science & Mathematics Chemistry

2 answers

The pathway where the electron can be found is 1 difference ie...s,p,d or f orbital.
Or the electrons may have different spins.
Also a small difference in energy levels.

2006-10-31 12:35:22 · answer #1 · answered by The Cheminator 5 · 0 0

The electrons must keep an equillibrium of space around the nucleus of the cell because of space problems. You can't have seven electrons in the first energy level because they would be far too close, and the atom would be unbalanced (And probably radioactive). The electrons are all the same. They are just placed in different areas to conserve space, and go by an equillibrium state which it has to achieve or else the atom would become unstable and probably radioactive.

2016-05-22 21:47:09 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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