I'm sure of it. Prostitutes are people, too! When they are not working, they're just like you and I- they have lives. Whether they enjoy that life or not is a different matter, but certainly a person will surround themselves with trusted people. If the prostitute is a woman who works in dangerous situations under an abusive man, she might have less male friends (trust issues and so on), but in the cases of those sort of women, I doubt they have that many friends of either sex outside of their fellow prostitutes.
Higher class prostitutes- those who work for themselves or can be selective about their clientele- most certainly have male friends, and I'm sure have many who probably don't even know their work.
2006-10-31 16:38:38
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I would think a prostitute would have so many issues around trust and allowing someone close that they would have difficulty having friends of either gender. But I could be wrong, I've never discussed the issue with a prostitute.
2006-10-31 20:24:30
answer #2
answered by gatheringplace2002 3
Is the Pope Catholic?
2006-10-31 20:17:17
answer #3
answered by The It Girl ∆☻乐 5
Why don't you ask this in an appropriate area, this isn't it.
2006-10-31 20:47:38
answer #4
answered by tjnstlouismo 7
2006-10-31 20:47:16
answer #5
answered by Anonymous