No i still think all representative government must be ended & replaced by the people's rule and control!
2006-10-31 09:34:57
answer #1
answered by bulabate 5
Kerry's comment is typical of how liberal Democrats REALLY feel about our military personnel. Oh, they can call them "Heroes" and say they support the troops all they want but that is just lip service. Bill Clinton spoke of his "loathing" the military. Dick Durbin compared them to Nazis. John Murtha accused them of murder before the facts were in. And Kerry himself, in the early 70's accused military personnel of atrocities, all unproven and unfounded. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.
No, I wasn't going to vote Democrat. With liberal Democrats like these at the forefront of their party, I never will.
2006-10-31 17:42:28
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Sadley he is they way the democratic party is moving, many of them follow the "Hate America First" crowd. People like him, pelosi, clinton, etc are going to ruin this country. They say anything and do anything to try to get or keep their office. Decent officials like Joesph Leiberman and a very few others are being push out to make way for extremists. His comments were completely insulting to anyone in the military, I also thought it was very ironic that after words he used his status as a veteran to tell people they can't contradict him.
2006-10-31 17:48:25
answer #3
answered by Donald C 2
your talking about degrees of idiot...a little bit is still an idiot... you honestly thought a draft dodger would be a good commander in bout the privatization of social security that john kerry was vocally against...i personally see nothing wrong, illegal or immoral about giving me back more of what i legitmately earn. contrary to john kerry, i enjoyed the two checks i recieved from the bush administration that lowered my already confiscatory tax burden...i wouldnt have got them from kerry.
seems to me you have a simple choice to make, self reliance or government assistance, think carefully as the future of the us literally depends on it. if you think for one minute that a closet lesbian like nancy pelosi would make a good world spokesman then you will probably feel right at home with the dems...doesnt make it right but they seem not to care much.
2006-10-31 17:36:26
answer #4
answered by koalatcomics 7
I wasn't even aware of Kerry's remarks. And no, it will not affect my votes. I will still vote Democrat come next week.
2006-10-31 17:36:40
answer #5
answered by Andy 3
No, of course not. He's saying the same thing thousands of parents across the country are saying--stay in school, do well, don't go into the military and get sent to Iraq.
Military recruiters go to school campuses and target kids who aren't doing well in school. They go to poor towns where kids who don't have funds for college live, because that's how they fill their quotas. Often, kids who are struggling in their classes feel the military is their only option. Where do you think they get sent? Iraq. Does that mean they are stupid and have no potential? No, and Kerry didn't say that. It just means, if you get killed in Iraq, you don't get to fulfill your potential. If you stay in school, chances are you will.
2006-10-31 17:41:09
answer #6
answered by functionary01 4
No, and his comments were slanted to make Repubs look good. It is true that the armed forces go after the poor and the uneducated and promises to give them an education. They they are shipped to Iraq and maimed and killed. You can easily check and see the background of the troops.
2006-10-31 17:37:56
answer #7
answered by notyou311 7
Not at all Democrats have people of varied opinions. They are not like the "cookie cutter" Republicans who believe everything Bush and Fox (Faux) News tells them. We use our minds.
2006-10-31 17:35:21
answer #8
answered by Tommy D 5
Well he is not running in my state so what he said does not affect what my local politicians think.Nor am I stupid enough to change my mind based on one comment that upsets the Bushies.
2006-10-31 17:31:42
answer #9
answered by stephaniemariewalksonwater 5
John Kerry has been a dumbass since he first showed his face in the political world. Let us all remember that if it wasnt for his wife, he would have a dime or the position that he has. And, as far as I am concerened, troop bashing should get you tried for treason!
2006-10-31 17:33:23
answer #10
answered by airgame12 2