WHOA! Put that crack pipe down, my friend! That stuff is obviously killing your brain cells!
(1) Repubs are NOT worried about when the Dems will win back the house and senate because most won't be around by that time in the distant future!
(2) What lies? Where is the proof? The last proven lie from the White House was when Slick Willie said he did not have sexual relations with Monica. Since then, there have been different opinions and translations of the reported fact, but no outright lies.
(3) Main reason? We've given plenty of reasons to keep the Repubs in office, based on what we can do. It's the Dems that are grasping at straws by trying to win by default by pointing fingers and making false accusations.
Get some help! A mind is a terrible thing to waste! (regardless of what the Dems say about it!)
2006-10-31 05:00:54
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I think you are serving no purpose in perpetuating the internal investigation merry-go-round during a time of war. For all the personal indiscretions (Scooter's, Foley's, Frank's or so far back as Clinton's and Cisneros'), this nation is better served by legislative, executive and judicial members of government who act as they were hired to do in a time of war.
We must defend our borders with logical and reasonable enforcement of existing law; we must ferret out the seeds of terrorism, including those who finance, plan and execute, as well as those who sponsor, aid or abet; we must place our economic and social footing on solid ground, not by excessive taxation or protectionist legislation but by sound principles of commerce and law that ensure our economic engine continues to hum for the benefit of the great majority of law-abiding, peaceful, hard-working Americans; we must abide by moral standards that ensure integrity within our governmental branches and project integrity to the world at large- while keeping in mind that there is a battle for survival being fought, and those not willing to fight it, or worse, not willing to support that fight, should likely not benefit from the fruits of victory, but rather identified and addressed as elements acting against the best interests of the nation.
So while it is fun to say "No More War For Oil", it is not so much fun to do something about it: ride a bike or walk and swear off gasoline and heating oil.
And while it is cute to point out the jabs and barbs traded across the aisle by the sorriest collection of legislators in the history of the Hill (from Pelosi to Dryer, Frank to Foley, Menendez to Warner), the entertainment value masks and overshadows the important work these buffoons are FAILING to do, which is eliminating threats to our economy and security.
And lastly, while we may find great humor and sarcasm in the rantings of Stewart, Colbert, Maher, Limbaugh, Coulter and Hannity, nothing these men and women say or do does a damn thing to help our nation unite against a camoflauged but nevertheless fast-advancing anti-American force that is politically, militarily and financially motivated to undo the American legacy and harm us in direct and violent ways.
Personal indiscretions should be investigated, but at a time of war, where our tactics and strategies are in question and our execution is constantly suffering, is that really where the American public should focus its legislators' attention and efforts to?
Is it really meaningful to the security of our nation and the thriving of our economy to spend years in committee airing out Barney Frank's male prostitution ring or Mark Foley's insatiable lust for little boys? Unlikely.
Be American first, be a Patriot always, be reasonable and judicious with your criticism, but most of all, be cognizant that our young men and women in the Middle East, Korean peninsula, Japanese islands and all across the globe are fighting for their lives to protect our right to pissing-matches on TV or blogs. We should show our national history and our youngsters in uniform some decorum and respect, and focus all of our attention on defending our flag and our freedom where it is challenged.
Today, that is in Kandahar, Anbar, Tehran, Pyongyang and the halls of the UN. The soapbox is not going to hold up under the weight of consistent and often bandwagoning criticism that does not elevate the content, materiality and nature of the debate. Better to execute your national pride and desire for freedom in a meaningful way, and inform your congressional representatives that you want to defeat terrorism at any cost, and secure our borders decisively and you want to keep your hard-earned dollars for your family's benefit, not for the wasteful and vote-pandering programs that ensure further congressional excess by career politicians who do not know or value the toil and sweat required to get by in today's America.
The Congressional Page scandal is not even in the top 10 of existential challenges to US sovereignty and should be dealt with in its rightful time and order. A viable policy for Iraq, Iran and N. Korea must be pursued and executed, TODAY, for reasonable resolution by Inauguration Day 2009. Electing a Democratic House and Senate will serve the purpose of satisfying the boisterous anti-Bush crowd, but will also succeed in securing a lame-duck status for the President, who will be powerless to fight terrorism, border incursions by illegal and often criminal elements and to move our economy forward without the debilitating burden of personal and corporate tax complexity. If you want a do-nothing government for two-plus years, you will vote party-line. If you want something done about our issues abroad (which are threatening and immediate) so we can get something done at home (which aren't as threatening and immediate) then you need to put effective and able people in positions of power. I'm sorry, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid don't fit those definitions any better than Hastert or Foley. The Donkeys are not the answer for excessive Elephant waste.
The problems are there, apparent, defined and ready to be solved. Denying them, or casting smoke and mirrors in the Congressional Funhouse by calling for investigations of indiscretions that have NOTHING TO DO with national security and economic policy (much like the Clinton impeachment) is a waste of time and dangerous. If you recall, our pre-occupation with the 1999 impeachment process focused the President on personal defense and legal strategems. In the meantime, Al-Qaeda went unfettered in their planning and execution, confident the US public was, once again, asleep at the wheel.
This November, it behooves you and every voting American to wake up and take charge of that vehicle and communicate to Congress that the war against terrorism must turn our way, and the borders must not be invitations for someone else's poor or criminals, and the economy must not be sunk by excessive interest rates or poor tax legislation.
These are PERSONAL effects of public policy. Foley's Follies are not. Whether his IM's or emails were acted upon or mere rantings of a sexually confused and repressed individual does not affect my safety, financial security or political demands one iota. It is a non-issue, just as the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal was. It is time for us to be Americans first, and I hope that desire is not lost upon the partisan bellyachers on the Red or Blue team.
2006-10-31 05:45:30
answer #6
answered by rohannesian 4