We live hre full time and brought a truck down.
2006-11-01 08:34:58
answer #1
answered by Sans 4
I used to sell insurance and the policy covers you with all the same coverages you normally get in the states for 75 miles into mexico. After that, no coverage applies.
Also, while the companies may cover you the people of mexico don't have to honor it. They can do whatever they want to you or insist on whatever they want if you damage their vehicles or hurt anyone in Mexico.
So keep that in mind.
We always told our insureds that even though we still cover you, it's best to go ahead and get the mexican insurance at the border. just in case!!
2006-10-31 07:47:30
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
i have taken many autos in and out of Mexico your first time you should go to a site that shows the requirements of the Mexican gov. for bringing a car in to Mexico that way you will have the facts not some hand me down information this is the way to do it
2006-11-02 22:29:28
answer #3
answered by moonwalker 3
Yep. What do you want to know? If you're just driving to Mexico to visit, no problem as long as you have a passport, or a copy of your birth certificate and a photo ID. Just be careful where you park -- they strip cars in Mexico just like they do here.
If you're taking a car registered in the U.S. to Mexico to sell it, or if you bought a car in the U.S. and you want to register it in Mexico, you must provide a copy of the title and registration to U.S. Customs and Border Protection at least 72 hours before you take the car out of the U.S. If you don't, Customs won't let you take the car across the border and you'll be fined $500.00 for not providing the title and registration 72 hours prior to export. They have that requirement to prevent people from stealing cars and taking them across the border to sell them.
2006-10-31 04:31:59
answer #4
answered by sarge927 7
Yes. You can get a six month car visa at any border crossing. You will need a credit card, the car title, a U.S. passport and a U.S. drivers license. The border office will run a reciept on your credit card, there will be no charge to your card, this is to insure that you return the car to the U.S.
2006-11-01 10:26:36
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
i havent
2006-10-31 04:26:17
answer #6
answered by Anonymous