same as the U.S. BAD up-bringing and BAD parenting
2006-10-30 22:37:28
answer #1
answered by St♥rmy Skye 6
You have several different reasons here. First, the crime: I know this goes "against the grain" but it's true - removing weapons from a society has always had a negative effect (rise in crime). However, the mainstream media would have you believe the opposite. Crime has constantly risen in Britain since guns were outlawed. Other societies have shown this same increase after removing weapons. Think of it this way: if you were a burglar, and you had two homes to pick from and you knew one of them had guns and were gun advocates, which would you rob? Now, I'm not saying everyone should own weapons. My daughters, for example, hate them and will never own one. They have been taught how to use them, but then said they were too loud and didn't like them. However, people like me enjoy shooting them and am highly trained and skilled at using one.
Teen pregnancy and drug/alcohol abuse are usually tied, somewhat. The more drugs/alcohol the less morals and the more sexual "freedom". Plus, societies as a whole are corroding. More and more people are believing less and less in religion because of religious scandals. However, what most people do not understand is you can be religious without going to a church. I never attend church because I find most of them greedy and hypocritical. But I do believe in God and the morals set-forth in the bible. When people stop believing in something good, they tend to fall to the ill-moral side. I'm not saying you should believe in God or the church. What I am saying is that it is a good guide for strong moral belief, and that is where we, as humans, are going wrong - we are losing good moral standards.
The harder problem is the morals themselves. Morals are nothing more than agreed-upon standards in a society. We, in America, have said we agree that people should not kill (thou shall not kill). Therefore, if you murder someone you will be held accountable (or, you SHOULD be). The same goes for adultery. This last one has fallen sharply. Not too many people are ever prosecuted for adultery. Part of this reason is that so many people do it. Therefore, the actions of the many have changed the original laws and morals put down by generations.
It, of course, gets more complicated than the mere paragraphs above. What do we do about it? Well, one could easily say to impose rules based on good morals. Then the question would arise, "Who decides what are good morals?" Most would answer with, "Society!" But, hell, society can't agree on much now-a-days. Since many of our laws come from the bible, would it be right to outlaw homosexuality, for instance? All that would solve is to create more criminals. For it would be the same to me as saying we are going to outlaw guns, which would make me an outlaw.
Society is erroding. That is seen around the world. Even here in America, we are not a country of one anymore. We are divided and that division is becoming bigger. It is sad to think where we are headed.
The only thing that can be done is leadership. Leadership by those that do not think they are better than others and are truly there to help and not concerned with self-interest. Then, and only then, can we begin to fix the problems that exist.
2006-10-31 07:13:45
answer #2
answered by philrobeson 4
A complete lack of respect for other people.Political correct idiots who legislate away our core values, water down our laws and allow us feel strangers in our own land. A lack of education and discipline
If a kid has no self respect they sure as eggs will not show you any. We have a poor work ethic which allows mass immigration by people who are willing to get of the Ars- and work. while the chaves sit and watch Trisha or some other mundane drivel on the TV. Apart from that nothing wrong with us is there
The thick breed with the thick to produce the super thick
2006-10-31 06:47:43
answer #3
answered by Jim G 3
Is it really true that we have the highest rates or is it the manner in which these things are counted that makes it look that way?
I agree that it is probably true that we are top of the list in these areas and to make things really go well with our European neighbours, we often export these problems for the summer to their resorts. We're nothing if not generous, we Brits. But do we really have the highest rates? What about more permissive societies in Europe such as the Netherlands? Are their rates actually higher but because more things are legal there, it is calculated in a different fashion and if we adopted the same methods would we be in reality further down the scale than we are at present?
2006-10-31 06:40:38
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Britain chose a life of where greed is the principle value. But not being as wealthy as the US, everything it touches is just that much grubbier and base. People don't matter and come a distant place against the market and profits. Britain used to have better standards of behaviour in the past and was admired for it. No longer so.
2006-10-31 07:16:03
answer #5
answered by Bob M 1
Things could be drastically improved if our educators stopped pussyfooting around and were open and honest right from the start. Sex education should be matter of fact, as it is in Europe, and the same for drugs and alcohol. If we were more relaxed about alcohol, such as they are in France for example, our kids would not view it as such a tempting taboo.
We have a terribly superior attitude in Britain, but we are clearly failing our kids. It's time we got off our highhorse and admitted that the Europeans have it right and started to follow their examples.
2006-10-31 06:40:45
answer #6
answered by Daisy Artichoke 3
It's because their parents either didn't know how to - or weren't allowed to by all the bloody do-gooders - discipline their children, so it's all too late to start worrying about it now. That way, we can leave them all to worry about the hole in the ionosphere and the CO2 emissions and the cows farts and the global heating and all that nonsense which will affect all of them but not too many of us slightly older ones!
Which is nice !
2006-10-31 07:11:18
answer #7
answered by Dover Soles 6
You should try living in South Africa pal! It would make your hair rise. We have Car hijackings, rapes, murders, family murders etc. EVERYDAY. You can't even go into town at lunch time without taking off all your jewellery and glueing your handbag to your underarm! It is horrific. And the legal system sucks!
2006-10-31 06:53:27
answer #8
answered by dragonfly 4
It all comes back to the parents , If they would take the time to get involved in their childrens lives and teach them disclipline it would be a much better place . We rely way too much on the television to teach our children right from wrong .
2006-10-31 06:39:43
answer #9
answered by rocknrod04 4
I blame most of it on the parents, they are not strict enough. Kids now can get everything they demand. teachers have no control now its been taken away from them.I also think the goverment are far to soft on offenders, you can commit a crime and nothing much happens there,s no deterrent.
2006-10-31 06:43:03
answer #10
answered by MISSY G 5
Well, if we listen to the likes of the Daily Mail and the Tepegraph, it probably boils down to foreigners.
The rest of us living in the real world know that its due to a number of complex and linked factors, including the 'American' factor, and the Marketisation of Life
2006-10-31 06:37:33
answer #11
answered by thomas p 5