Please ignore the above answers!!!!!
The first one is insulting and the second uses completely fake figures!!!
Literacy rate: 98% (2003 est.)
Number per 100 population , 2002-2003, phones 136
Number per 100 population , 2006, Internet users 45
Primary school enrollment ratio (2000-2004*), gross, male 101
Primary school enrollment ratio (2000-2004*), gross, female 101
Primary school enrollment ratio (2000-2004*), net, male 99
Primary school enrollment ratio (2000-2004*), net, female 99
And there are more information in the sites bellow .
If this is not what you wanted then please provide more information of what you want!
2006-10-30 21:49:04
answer #1
answered by ragzeus 6
Literacy they ranked 65
Schooling 22
Education 46
Human developement 22
they have 195 tvs per 1000 people
4 computers per 1000
362 landlines per 1000
172 cars per 1000
8.83 % have celphones
12.52 % know how to surf the web
2006-10-30 14:42:54
answer #2
answered by hersheynrey 7
i have a friend from Athens Greece she has the most perfect bj lips...oh and she knows how to read and write too..lmaoo
2006-10-30 14:10:43
answer #3
answered by roobeng.indahouse 3