No. You need outside connections to OTHER people. It's human nature to get on other's people's nerves. We all do it. And when you & your spouse are each other's only friends, something's gonna give. It may even end up to be your relationship. you must be don't want to lose your love. Find some other sources of friendship. Those other sources will be many ways.
2006-10-30 12:21:56
answer #1
answered by moonbaby3504 2
I am a brutally honest person, so please don't take this the wong way:
If she's your only friend, you're investing a LOT more of time and emotion into her than a separate friend and spouse, and she probably feels smothered. If you're living with her, she might feel tied down. She sees you at home all the time, and since you have no other friends, she'll feel *obligated* to hang out with you a lot more outside. If you're with her everywhere because you have no one else to do anything with, she'll eventually get tired of seeing your face every time he turns around (if she hasn't already). And how are you going to feel if the person who is your *whole world* (excluding family) just ups and leaves you? Pretty damn sh.tty, I bet. So you need to branch out and find some other friends, for your sake as well. It's gotta be boring to only be able to do the things SHE likes, when SHE wants to. You'll grow more as a person if you meet other people. Maybe introduce yourself to some of her male friends, go to a bar, community events, join a country club, etc. She'll be a lot more interested in how your day went if she wasn't watching television football with you all day.
You need some guy friends! Who else will you complain to when she makes the house reek of ridiculous Chanel perfume? =b
2006-10-30 20:22:52
answer #2
answered by -:- Masha -:- 2
My husband is the only "true" friend I have( I have a few girl friends who I hang out with but I cant really trust or confide in them) I can talk to him about anything, and I dont think anyone else could take his place, you should feel lucky that you have a spouse that your so close to!
2006-10-30 20:19:09
answer #3
answered by Lanie 3
Although your spouse should be your best friend as long as he/she is treating you right, you really need to cultivate friendships outside of your marriage. People need outside friends even if you don't get to go out much together. My husband and I have some outside friends, but are each other's best friends most of the time.
2006-10-30 20:17:44
answer #4
answered by Juanitamarie 3
No because that is unhealthy. When you spend every single minute together then how will you ever get a chance to miss each other which is needed in a relationship.
You know the old saying "you don't miss what you had until it's gone".
Well if it is never gone how can you miss it.
2006-10-30 20:16:15
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
No is not , that is the best thing to do with your spouse for me to interact so the spouse will understad and love you more and trust you more than ever , commutication is the best thing in life
2006-10-30 20:18:17
answer #6
answered by Hindu_ Latina 3
Well, I consider my husband to be my best friend. The only other "friends" I have are my sisters-in-law and my very bestest friend who lives 400 miles away. I can talk to my husband about anything and what I don't talk to him about I talk via IM to my 400 mi away friend. But I would have to say that I think it is healthy. But, my question is this?? Is it because you want him to be your only friend or he does?? If its him that won't let you have friends, then you need to reconsider your marriage. If its your choice, then go for it.
2006-10-30 20:17:53
answer #7
answered by Jane B 3
I personally don't think so- I like to have a variety of people as my friends. I don't really like rely on just on person cause at a certain point and time- it maybe too much for one person to handle- plus I have friends I chat with on the phone only, I have shopping friends, I have eating out friends, I have exercise friends etc. variety.
and for me- I like to hear various point of views on different topics- just to see what others think- it sometimes gives you a new outlook on life and issues.
but if it works for you- roll with it
2006-10-30 20:18:29
answer #8
answered by shalirha 3
Definitely not. that's like putting all your eggs in one basket. It's essential to have some friend, that you can confide it, especially if you and your spouse have problems.
2006-10-30 20:15:43
answer #9
answered by johnb693 7
nope its not,,,,the hubby needs the guy friends to grunt and scratch with while drinking beer out in the garage and the wife needs the gal friends to sit around and talk kids,,recipes..movies,,doc appt,,bills,,up coming holidays,,in-laws get the picture. and i'm not trying to be bitchey but all this is very healthy!!!
2006-10-30 22:04:39
answer #10
answered by ggmsixer 5