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can any one explain the empirical formula tome? i dont get it at all...heres the question ihave to answer: the empirical formula of a compound is CH4 (the four is subscript). the molecular formula of the compound could be: CH4, C2H6,C3H8, or C4H10....help!!!

2006-10-30 11:09:37 · 3 answers · asked by Ally 2 in Science & Mathematics Mathematics

3 answers

The empirical formula of a compound is just the simplest, most reduced formula. So, a compound with the empirical formula CH4 could be CH4, C2H8, C3H12 or any other multiple of CH4.

Working the other way, glucose (a sugar) has a molecular formula of C6H12O6. Its empirical formula would be CH2O.

Hope this helps...

2006-10-30 11:13:56 · answer #1 · answered by hcbiochem 7 · 0 0

CH4 is methane which is an example of an alkane.
The formula for an alkane is (C(n)H(2n+2))
The emipiral formula is just the lowest ratio of one atom to another.

2006-10-30 11:15:46 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Not quite if the empiracal formula is CH4, it can only be methane, CH4.
If the empiracal is CH2, it formuls could be:
C2H4 (ethylene)
C3H6 (propylene)

2006-10-30 11:13:59 · answer #3 · answered by yupchagee 7 · 0 0

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