You don't need four-wheel-drive to live ANYWHERE in Michigan. I live in Houghton Lake, which a lot further north than Detroit, and I don't have, and have never had, a four-wheel-drive vehicle. If the weather is so bad that you need four-wheel-drive, whatever it is you need to drive to will be cancelled. Snow removal in the state is very efficient and I have never been snowed in for more than one day.
2006-10-31 09:48:05
answer #1
answered by mrknositall 6
Only if u r going to get a SUV or Pick-UP. What I've heard from friends that drive 4x2 jeeps and trucks is that the back wheels start slipping around Winter time. If ur from a southern sunny state, this will be a shock to you. However, if ur from a northern cold state, u'll know what I'm talking about. Snow can get up to 2-3 feet some days. If u still can't afford or able to get a 4x4, then put heavy things near the back wheels in the trunk.
2006-10-30 22:49:28
answer #2
answered by bichebbani 2
No you don't need a 4 wheel drive. I have a civic and i deal with the roads just fine. though i'd reccomend a heavier car or truck if you are actually going to buy one when you move here. I find the winter here more mild than in other northern states.
2006-11-03 13:56:05
answer #3
answered by bXnfX 1
No, but I'd stay away from rear-wheel drive vehicles or small pick-up trucks.
The problem I see with people driving 4X4's here in Michigan is they feel TOO secure and forget to drive carefully. Ice is still ice and having four-wheel-drive does not cancel out inertia! Many vehicles I see in the ditches are SUV's! So simply drive more slowly and brake early. Avoid roads that haven't been plowed or salted.
2006-11-01 11:31:05
answer #4
answered by lvt4cats 3
No, you don't need four wheel drive in detroit. But if you move to the northern Michigan areas, you need four wheel drive.
2006-10-31 10:59:39
answer #5
answered by missy 4
Whatever kind of car you like to drive is up to you and if driving a four wheel car suits you, then go for it and drive a four wheeler.
2006-11-03 14:49:34
answer #6
answered by Mr. Knowledgeable VI 7
I live in Toledo, OH--1 hour south of Detroit. I have a Ford Explorer & I feel more comfotable in it rather than my bf's car. It's all about how you feel--if you feel nervous about not having a 4 X 4...then get one. I know that the wind is bad up around here & my Explorer doesn't budge.
2006-10-31 18:33:14
answer #7
answered by {{birthday girlie}} 3
no.......unless you want to drive off road
front wheel drive and good tires are important for winter time driving. Four wheel drive doesn't hurt, but you rarely need it.
2006-10-30 18:16:53
answer #8
answered by CB 2
For sure I live in Detroit and the roads are really bad during the winters.
2006-10-30 19:31:51
answer #9
answered by jeunae 1
not necesarily unless you live far from downtown and you are to work there. Winter is hard yet you are to know when it gets chilly, after some 5 weeks you will know too when to have that kind of vehicle. Have fun.
2006-10-30 18:23:46
answer #10
answered by Manny 5