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2006-10-30 02:50:40 · 18 answers · asked by vivek superstar 1 in Education & Reference Words & Wordplay

18 answers

it is a word used to know the name of any unknown element in a questioning tone or sentence

2006-10-30 02:53:12 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

what (hwt, hwt, wt, wt; hwt, wt when unstressed) KEY


Which thing or which particular one of many: What are you having for dinner? What did she say?
Which kind, character, or designation: What are these objects?
One of how much value or significance: What are possessions to a dying man?

That which; the thing that: Listen to what I tell you.
Whatever thing that: come what may.
Informal Something: I'll tell you what.
Nonstandard Which, who, or that: It's the poor what gets the blame.

Which one or ones of several or many: What college are you attending? You should know what musical that song is from.
Whatever: They soon repaired what damage had been done.
How great; how astonishing: What a fool!

How much; in what respect; how: What does it matter?

That: I don't know but what I'll go.

Used to express surprise, incredulity, or other strong and sudden excitement.
Chiefly British Used as a tag question, often to solicit agreement.

what for Informal
A scolding or strong reprimand: The teacher gave the tardy student what for.
what have you
What remains and need not be mentioned: a room full of chairs, lamps, radios, and what have you.
what if
What would occur if; suppose that.
What does it matter if.
what it takes
The necessary expertise or qualities needed for success: She has what it takes to be a doctor.
what's what Informal
The fundamentals and details of a situation or process; the true state or condition.
what with
Taking into consideration; because of: "I've often wondered why some good crime writer . . . hasn't taken up with New Orleans, what with its special raffishness, its peculiar flavor of bonhomie and a slightly suspect charm" (Walker Percy).

Middle English, from Old English hwæt; see kwo- in Indo-European roots
Usage Note:
When what is the subject of a clause, it takes a singular verb if the word or phrase that completes the sentence (the complement) is singular, as in I see what seems to be a dead tree. It is plural if a plural noun or noun phrase completes the sentence, as in He sometimes makes what seem to be gestures of reconciliation.·Clauses with what as either subject or object may themselves be the subject of a sentence, and sometimes it is difficult to decide whether the verb of the main clause should be singular or plural. When the what in the what-clause is the object of the verb and the complement of the main clause is singular, the main verb is always singular: What they wanted was a home of their own; when the complement of the main sentence is plural, the verb is most often plural: What American education needs are smaller classes, though one also encounters sentences such as What the candidate gave the audience was the same old empty promises. When what is the subject of a what-clause that is the subject of a main clause, there is greater variation in usage. When the verb of the what-clause and the complement of the main clause are both plural or both singular, the number of the verb of the main clause generally agrees with them. When the verb in the what-clause is singular and the complement in the main clause is plural, one finds both singular and plural verbs being used. Sentences similar to both of the following are found in respected writers: What drives me crazy is her frequent tantrums; What bothers him are the discrepancies in their accounts. When the complement of the main clause consists of two or more nouns, the verb of the main clause is generally singular if the nouns are singular and plural if they are plural: What pleases the voters is his honesty and his willingness to take on difficult issues; On entering the harbor what first meet the eye are luxurious yachts and colorful villas. Occasionally the choice of a singular or plural verb may be used to convey a difference in meaning. In the sentence What excite him most are money and power, the implication is that money and power are separable goals; in What excites him most is money and power, the implication is that money and power are inextricably bound together. See Usage Note at which.

2006-11-03 05:10:36 · answer #2 · answered by Krishna 6 · 0 0

what  /Ê°wʌt, Ê°wɒt, wʌt, wɒt; unstressed Ê°wət, wət/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[hwuht, hwot, wuht, wot; unstressed hwuht, wuht] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation

–pronoun 1. (used interrogatively as a request for specific information): What is the matter?
2. (used interrogatively to inquire about the character, occupation, etc., of a person): What does he do?
3. (used interrogatively to inquire as to the origin, identity, etc., of something): What are those birds?
4. (used interrogatively to inquire as to the worth, usefulness, force, or importance of something): What is wealth without friends?
5. (used interrogatively to request a repetition of words or information not fully understood, usually used in elliptical constructions): You need what?
6. (used interrogatively to inquire the reason or purpose of something, usually used in elliptical constructions): What of it?
7. how much?: What does it cost?
8. (used relatively to indicate that which): I will send what was promised.
9. whatever; anything that: Say what you please. Come what may.
10. the kind of thing or person that: He said what everyone expected he would. They are just what I was expecting.
11. as much as; as many as: We should each give what we can.
12. the thing or fact that (used in parenthetic clauses): He went to the meeting and, what was worse, insisted on speaking.
13. (used to indicate more to follow, additional possibilities, alternatives, etc.): You know what? Shall we go or what?
14. (used as an intensifier in exclamatory phrases, often fol. by an indefinite article): What luck! What an idea!
15. British. don't you agree?: An unusual chap, what?
16. Nonstandard. that; which; who: She's the one what told me.
–noun 17. the true nature or identity of something, or the sum of its characteristics: a lecture on the whats and hows of crop rotation.
–adjective 18. (used interrogatively before nouns): What news? What clothes shall I pack?
19. whatever: Take what supplies you need.
–adverb 20. to what extent or degree? how much?: What does it matter?
21. (used to introduce a prepositional phrase beginning with with): What with storms and all, their return was delayed.
22. Obsolete. for what reason or purpose? why?
–interjection 23. (used in exclamatory expressions, often fol. by a question): What, no salt?
–conjunction 24. Older Use. as much as; as far as: He helps me what he can.
—Idioms25. Say what? Slang. (used esp. among teenagers) What's that you say? Would you repeat that?
26. So what? Informal. (an expression of disinterest, disinclination, or contempt.)
27. what have you, other things of the same kind; so forth: money, jewels, stocks, and what have you.
28. what for, a. why: What are you doing that for?
b. a punishment or scolding.

29. what if, what would be the outcome if; suppose that: What if everyone who was invited comes?
30. what it takes, something that enables one to achieve success or attain a desired end, as good looks, ability, or money: There's a young woman who has what it takes to get along in the world.
31. what's what, Informal. the true situation; all the facts: It's high time you told him what's what.
32. but what, Informal. but that; but who; who or that … not: Who knows but what the sun may still shine.


2006-10-30 10:53:47 · answer #3 · answered by Tragedy 3 · 0 1

1. (used interrogatively as a request for specific information): What is the matter?
2. (used interrogatively to inquire about the character, occupation, etc., of a person): What does he do?
3. (used interrogatively to inquire as to the origin, identity, etc., of something): What are those birds?
4. (used interrogatively to inquire as to the worth, usefulness, force, or importance of something): What is wealth without friends?
5. (used interrogatively to request a repetition of words or information not fully understood, usually used in elliptical constructions): You need what?
6. (used interrogatively to inquire the reason or purpose of something, usually used in elliptical constructions): What of it?
7. how much?: What does it cost?
8. (used relatively to indicate that which): I will send what was promised.
9. whatever; anything that: Say what you please. Come what may.
10. the kind of thing or person that: He said what everyone expected he would. They are just what I was expecting.
11. as much as; as many as: We should each give what we can.
12. the thing or fact that (used in parenthetic clauses): He went to the meeting and, what was worse, insisted on speaking.
13. (used to indicate more to follow, additional possibilities, alternatives, etc.): You know what? Shall we go or what?
14. (used as an intensifier in exclamatory phrases, often fol. by an indefinite article): What luck! What an idea!
15. British. don't you agree?: An unusual chap, what?
16. Nonstandard. that; which; who: She's the one what told me.
–noun 17. the true nature or identity of something, or the sum of its characteristics: a lecture on the whats and hows of crop rotation.
–adjective 18. (used interrogatively before nouns): What news? What clothes shall I pack?
19. whatever: Take what supplies you need.
–adverb 20. to what extent or degree? how much?: What does it matter?
21. (used to introduce a prepositional phrase beginning with with): What with storms and all, their return was delayed.
22. Obsolete. for what reason or purpose? why?
–interjection 23. (used in exclamatory expressions, often fol. by a question): What, no salt?
–conjunction 24. Older Use. as much as; as far as: He helps me what he can.
—Idioms25. Say what? Slang. (used esp. among teenagers) What's that you say? Would you repeat that?
26. So what? Informal. (an expression of disinterest, disinclination, or contempt.)
27. what have you, other things of the same kind; so forth: money, jewels, stocks, and what have you.
28. what for, a. why: What are you doing that for?
b. a punishment or scolding.

29. what if, what would be the outcome if; suppose that: What if everyone who was invited comes?
30. what it takes, something that enables one to achieve success or attain a desired end, as good looks, ability, or money: There's a young woman who has what it takes to get along in the world.
31. what's what, Informal. the true situation; all the facts: It's high time you told him what's what.
32. but what, Informal. but that; but who; who or that … not: Who knows but what the sun may still shine.


[Origin: bef. 900; ME; OE hwæt; c. G was, D wat, ON hvat; akin to Goth hwa, L quod, Gk tí]

—Usage note 24. See doubt.
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.0.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.
American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source what (hwt, hwt, wt, wt; hwt, wt when unstressed) Pronunciation Key

Which thing or which particular one of many: What are you having for dinner? What did she say?
Which kind, character, or designation: What are these objects?
One of how much value or significance: What are possessions to a dying man?

That which; the thing that: Listen to what I tell you.
Whatever thing that: come what may.
Informal. Something: I'll tell you what.
Nonstandard. Which, who, or that: It's the poor what gets the blame.

Which one or ones of several or many: What college are you attending? You should know what musical that song is from.
Whatever: They soon repaired what damage had been done.
How great; how astonishing: What a fool!

How much; in what respect; how: What does it matter?

That: I don't know but what I'll go.

Used to express surprise, incredulity, or other strong and sudden excitement.
Chiefly British. Used as a tag question, often to solicit agreement.

what for Informa.
A scolding or strong reprimand: The teacher gave the tardy student what for.
what have you
What remains and need not be mentioned: a room full of chairs, lamps, radios, and what have you.
what if
What would occur if; suppose that.
What does it matter if.
what it takes
The necessary expertise or qualities needed for success: She has what it takes to be a doctor.
what's what Informa.
The fundamentals and details of a situation or process; the true state or condition.
what with
Taking into consideration; because of: “I've often wondered why some good crime writer... hasn't taken up with New Orleans, what with its special raffishness, its peculiar flavor of bonhomie and a slightly suspect charm” (Walker Percy).

[Middle English, from Old English hwæt. See kwo- in Indo-European Roots.]

2006-10-30 10:53:45 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

–pronoun 1. (used interrogatively as a request for specific information): What is the matter?
2. (used interrogatively to inquire about the character, occupation, etc., of a person): What does he do?
3. (used interrogatively to inquire as to the origin, identity, etc., of something): What are those birds?
4. (used interrogatively to inquire as to the worth, usefulness, force, or importance of something): What is wealth without friends?
5. (used interrogatively to request a repetition of words or information not fully understood, usually used in elliptical constructions): You need what?
6. (used interrogatively to inquire the reason or purpose of something, usually used in elliptical constructions): What of it?
7. how much?: What does it cost?
8. (used relatively to indicate that which): I will send what was promised.
9. whatever; anything that: Say what you please. Come what may.
10. the kind of thing or person that: He said what everyone expected he would. They are just what I was expecting.
11. as much as; as many as: We should each give what we can.
12. the thing or fact that (used in parenthetic clauses): He went to the meeting and, what was worse, insisted on speaking.
13. (used to indicate more to follow, additional possibilities, alternatives, etc.): You know what? Shall we go or what?
14. (used as an intensifier in exclamatory phrases, often fol. by an indefinite article): What luck! What an idea!
15. British. don't you agree?: An unusual chap, what?
16. Nonstandard. that; which; who: She's the one what told me.
–noun 17. the true nature or identity of something, or the sum of its characteristics: a lecture on the whats and hows of crop rotation.
–adjective 18. (used interrogatively before nouns): What news? What clothes shall I pack?
19. whatever: Take what supplies you need.
–adverb 20. to what extent or degree? how much?: What does it matter?
21. (used to introduce a prepositional phrase beginning with with): What with storms and all, their return was delayed.
22. Obsolete. for what reason or purpose? why?
–interjection 23. (used in exclamatory expressions, often fol. by a question): What, no salt?
–conjunction 24. Older Use. as much as; as far as: He helps me what he can.
—Idioms25. Say what? Slang. (used esp. among teenagers) What's that you say? Would you repeat that?
26. So what? Informal. (an expression of disinterest, disinclination, or contempt.)
27. what have you, other things of the same kind; so forth: money, jewels, stocks, and what have you.
28. what for, a. why: What are you doing that for?
b. a punishment or scolding.

29. what if, what would be the outcome if; suppose that: What if everyone who was invited comes?
30. what it takes, something that enables one to achieve success or attain a desired end, as good looks, ability, or money: There's a young woman who has what it takes to get along in the world.
31. what's what, Informal. the true situation; all the facts: It's high time you told him what's what.
32. but what, Informal. but that; but who; who or that … not: Who knows but what the sun may still shine.


Which thing or which particular one of many: What are you having for dinner? What did she say?
Which kind, character, or designation: What are these objects?
One of how much value or significance: What are possessions to a dying man?

That which; the thing that: Listen to what I tell you.
Whatever thing that: come what may.
Informal. Something: I'll tell you what.
Nonstandard. Which, who, or that: It's the poor what gets the blame.

Which one or ones of several or many: What college are you attending? You should know what musical that song is from.
Whatever: They soon repaired what damage had been done.
How great; how astonishing: What a fool!

How much; in what respect; how: What does it matter?

That: I don't know but what I'll go.

Used to express surprise, incredulity, or other strong and sudden excitement.
Chiefly British. Used as a tag question, often to solicit agreement.

what for Informa.
A scolding or strong reprimand: The teacher gave the tardy student what for.
what have you
What remains and need not be mentioned: a room full of chairs, lamps, radios, and what have you.
what if
What would occur if; suppose that.
What does it matter if.
what it takes
The necessary expertise or qualities needed for success: She has what it takes to be a doctor.
what's what Informa.
The fundamentals and details of a situation or process; the true state or condition.
what with
Taking into consideration; because of: “I've often wondered why some good crime writer... hasn't taken up with New Orleans, what with its special raffishness, its peculiar flavor of bonhomie and a slightly suspect charm” (Walker Percy).

[Middle English, from Old English hwæt. See kwo- in Indo-European Roots.]
Usage Note: When what is the subject of a clause, it takes a singular verb if the word or phrase that completes the sentence (the complement) is singular, as in I see what seems to be a dead tree. It is plural if a plural noun or noun phrase completes the sentence, as in He sometimes makes what seem to be gestures of reconciliation. ·Clauses with what as either subject or object may themselves be the subject of a sentence, and sometimes it is difficult to decide whether the verb of the main clause should be singular or plural. When the what in the what-clause is the object of the verb and the complement of the main clause is singular, the main verb is always singular: What they wanted was a home of their own; when the complement of the main sentence is plural, the verb is most often plural: What American education needs are smaller classes, though one also encounters sentences such as What the candidate gave the audience was the same old empty promises. When what is the subject of a what-clause that is the subject of a main clause, there is greater variation in usage. When the verb of the what-clause and the complement of the main clause are both plural or both singular, the number of the verb of the main clause generally agrees with them. When the verb in the what-clause is singular and the complement in the main clause is plural, one finds both singular and plural verbs being used. Sentences similar to both of the following are found in respected writers: What drives me crazy is her frequent tantrums; What bothers him are the discrepancies in their accounts. When the complement of the main clause consists of two or more nouns, the verb of the main clause is generally singular if the nouns are singular and plural if they are plural: What pleases the voters is his honesty and his willingness to take on difficult issues; On entering the harbor what first meet the eye are luxurious yachts and colorful villas. Occasionally the choice of a singular or plural verb may be used to convey a difference in meaning. In the sentence What excite him most are money and power, the implication is that money and power are separable goals; in What excites him most is money and power, the implication is that money and power are inextricably bound together. See Usage Note at which.

In addition to the idioms beginning with what, also see come what may; for all one is (what it's) worth; get what's coming to one; it's (what) a zoo; just what the doctor ordered; know the score (what's what); left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing; no matter (what); on earth, what; or what?; practice what you preach; sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, what's; so what; where's (what's) the beef?; you know something (you know what).

2006-10-30 10:55:21 · answer #5 · answered by falsman14 2 · 0 1

It means what.

2006-10-30 10:52:06 · answer #6 · answered by Me 1 · 1 0

the meaning of what is what

2006-10-30 10:52:54 · answer #7 · answered by adam g 2 · 0 0

The meaning of what is that which.
"This is what I do.''
''This is that which I do.''

2006-11-01 08:41:33 · answer #8 · answered by sid g 2 · 0 0

good question..what is such a simple and common word..i dont think a lot of ppl along with myself know the defenition of it!

2006-10-30 22:23:28 · answer #9 · answered by srk's # one fan! 2 · 0 0

What, a rotation is, and how it is related between stereoisomers.

2006-10-30 10:58:41 · answer #10 · answered by Teehee 1 · 0 0

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