oh my god its really a wonder wonderful experience... its so helpful .. my delivery was so tough epidural really helped me.. i was admitted to hospital as my membrane ruptured ... my pains were horrible and i was just 1 cm then they gave me epidural and within 4 hrs it was fully dilated baby was born ... if u have the courage to bear the pain go naturally otherwise don't forget to take the epidural...it will help you...
all the best...
2006-11-01 16:43:41
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I have had two during the course of my deliveries and the process causes pain. You have to sit motionless on the edge of a bed, while holding your knees and all the while you experience the contractions. The doctor then places a very long needle in your lower back-which is suppose to slow down the pain. It doesn't always work. I still have a slight numb spot where the epidural was given (it has been 11 years). I wish you all the best. Having an epidural works for some but not for all. Best of luck with your delivery.
2006-10-29 22:46:53
answer #2
answered by Innovative Mom 1
I just gave birth Nov 30 - my labor was difficult due to a back injury I had as a teenager so I had to have 3 epidurals for the last one to catch. I was induced - the worst part is breaking of the water - its just a lot of pressure and uncomfortable. The epidural allowed me to dialate faster - and it really does relax you - you don't feel much but you will feel a pressure to push. If I were to get pregnant again I would get an epidural sooner instead of waiting until my contractions were a couple mins apart. I also had an epitosmy - so if this happens to you there is light at the end of the tunnel - about 7 days later you will feel like a new person. Forgo the epson salts it burns - get a sids bath, shower lots, and get pads soak them in water, wrap them in saran wrap and freeze them - when you go to use them which is highly recommended wrap the pad in a face cloth - also tucks medicated pads for hemoriods works on your stitches as well. These all helped big time. Take stool softeners trust me you do not want to be constipated! The frozen pads I used a tonne of them for a week it really helps with swelling. I did try the demoral shot and had no relief . With an epidural it really helped to speed my delievery on. Whatever you chose labor pains will all be a thing of the past once you bond with your new born. Good luck - stay positive - I was terrified too but boy was it worth it!
2016-03-28 01:29:28
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
i had an epidural with my second child but i also had a c-section. i loved it thought it was great. but the only bad thing i can say is that it can slow down your labor ALOT!!!! my friend went in this past friday and she was a 2 nd within just a couple of hours she was a 5 then a 6 and while they were giving her her epidural she apparently changed and they said she was a 6 . well after recieving the epidural she stayed a 6 until about 3:30 in the afternoon and she was there at like 5:15 that morning, she wouldn't dilate anymore and they ended up having to give her an emergency c-section. but you shouldn't have anything to worry about, everybody is different.good luck to you and the new baby!
2006-10-29 23:22:22
answer #4
answered by Holly D 3
Oh it was the best thing!! LOL.... I just had my daughter September 29 at 8lbs *almost 9* its a good thing I had that done! Cuz I also had to get cut. (she was a BIG baby)
During the epidural tho, the only hurtful part was giving me the needle in the back and the burning part! Grr...
After that...I felt GREAT! No PAIN! I was still able to move my right leg, but my left was hard. Felt like it was 200+ lbs. Some say they get back pains after the epidural. Which I am. So it all depends. But I dont regret having it.
2006-10-30 00:29:31
answer #5
answered by Island girl 2
I would highly recommend it - anyday. I had epidurals for both my pregnancies, although the first one was a total disaster because it was timed incorrectly. The second one was perfect and it allowed me to rest for about 4 hours before delivery since I went into labor at night. You do have to make sure that you get an excellent anesthetist - who has had successful epidural administration history. Not all epidural administrations are perfect. I have also heard that long term side effects include lower back pain (which is often treated only with Physiotherapy).
2006-10-29 22:40:18
answer #6
answered by golf_prop 1
Epidural is MAGIC! I went from hell to Heaven in a matter of minutes. I didnt even feel it going in or anything, so dont be afraid of if it hurts or not. (not that you really care what happens when you are in labour , youd do anything to get that pain away) but yeah. I cant believe how good it was. I recommend it so much. I couldnt have the gas because i was vomiting, and when they asked me what i wanted for the pain i told them i didnt want to pethidine because id been told it didnt work.. so i wanted the epidural. Im so glad i asked for it when i did, because i was in labour in the middle of the night it took about and hour and a hlaf for them to call the anethestist in to do it. I ended up being numb from my toes to just above my boobs which was great. I could still feel my arms and everything so that was good. I was a bit shakey after the birth when they took the epidural off, but thats just because i had been numb. So yeah, its so amazing. Highly recommended!!!!!!!!!!!! goodluck!!
2006-10-29 23:21:17
answer #7
answered by Jordy[♥] 3
I had an epidural with both pregnancies first one was great no pain even when pushing just a strange urge and stitches after birth di not hurt either. it took a while to feel normal afterwards i felt drugged and could not go home after the six hours due to having the epidural second one was put in to late so did not take effect she was born 10 mins after they had insertedd it all I had was bad pins and needles on in right leg but i felt so much better after birth more with it and was able to go home in nine hours after birth. It is not a pleasant feeling when they put it in it is like an electric shock but they benefits are a pain free birthing experience.
2006-10-29 23:22:53
answer #8
answered by niclourum 2
i liked it when I had to have it for a c-section but in normal labour it was not good ,you cant push as well and have a higher chance of C-section any way ,so I would only have one if I knew I had to. I have had 5 births 2 with epidurals. one for c-section ,the other because the labour was slow .natural is best if you can.
2006-10-29 23:41:17
answer #9
answered by stephanie n 5
The wife had a light epidural. The only concern was getting the needle in, which hurt for her, but it made the rest of the delivery go much smoother.
It was just enough to take the edge off, but still allow for awareness of what was happening
2006-10-29 23:38:59
answer #10
answered by Anonymous