too many "why" questions. Ignorance is bliss until ignorance rises up to bite the ignorant on the a... "The greatest fool can ask a question that the wisest cannot answer."
2006-10-29 21:09:18
answer #1
answered by David B 6
Definitely. Ignorance is a bliss. An ignorant person is one of the happiest persons of the world. The more we gather knowledge, the more complications starts arriving in our life.
2006-10-30 08:36:21
answer #2
answered by goodbye 6
The bliss from ignorance is an illusion, it is the lull before the deadly storm!!
While there is no end to knowledge (questions keep coming up that can't yet be answered which does cause pain and unrest), ignorance has only one end and that is disaster!!
The proverb 'ignorance is bliss' has rather a limited contextual and short-term application.
2006-10-30 05:20:58
answer #3
answered by small 7
What you don't know can't hurt you. So if you don't know anything, you can't be hurt. But this is no way to live. I wouldn't want to be blissfully ignorant. I would rather know, even if the truth hurts. I wouldn't want someone to lie or hide something from me just to save my feelings for instance. & in the movie the Matrix, where one has to choose between living a nice illusion or finding out the (terrible) truth, I'd take the truth. What's the point of enjoying a life that isn't real? I'd rather endure one that is real. At least when I find joy (amidst the anguish etc), it's true joy & not a sham. I'd rather eat from the tree of knowledge than live in a fool's paradise. Just call me Eve! Tee hee
2006-10-30 08:20:06
answer #4
answered by amp 6
Its complicated cause we made it so for ourselves. We are more often than not caught between our needs and our wants.
We have to realise this for a fact because simply everyone has to grow up someday.
Its precisely this inquisitive nature that propels humanity into progress. If nobody tried to figure anything out, we'll all still be living in caves wearing animal skin.
Ignorance is bliss. If you know less, you'll think less and want less. When you want less, it will be easier to feel satisfied, and happy about it.
2006-10-30 07:56:22
answer #5
answered by Saffren 7
Life is so complicated because it has many stages and every stage is a learning stage, where every learning is a self question and answer that why it is so complicated. Only human is the only creature who speak, and have a master mind where have questions and answers leave together. Because we have a mind and mouth who express our feelings. Think itself that why the nature is so pleasent, why the birds are so happy, you will get the ans of your last question.
2006-10-30 05:21:19
answer #6
answered by inder r 1
Ignorance is not bliss. Some people learn to be content with what they have. Others will never be content no matter what they have.
Money and things don't make you happy or unhappy. True happiness is different form momentary glee.
2006-10-30 06:02:17
answer #7
answered by jackie 6
Life is very simple in itself - we made it complicated just for our thrill, which we enjoy by resolving the complications! Isn't it ?
Unless we realize the complexity, we can't resolve it !
Just to satisfy over selves by knowing that no body can answer my questions !
Ignorant People are bound to be happy, as they are ignorant of unhappiness! (in other words their expectation from life is very minimum - hence they will be more happier).
2006-10-30 05:48:45
answer #8
answered by Alrahcam 4
Is it soooo complicated that got you amazed? I believe life is quite simple as I have been experiencing. People tend to complicate it becoz ..... they can't solve certain problems. So by making things complicated gets an excuse. Infact if you look at people who thinks life is simple are infact quite straightforward & who doesn't lie.
Remember a simple thing... Certain problems are really not a problem...its only our make life complicated.
Make life easier avoid digging up few issues which rather be unknown to you coz everything looked DEEP INSIDE IS DIRTY.
2006-10-30 05:18:53
answer #9
answered by Sanju_the_gr8 4
Yes Ignorance is bliss...I wish i never knew anything about the illuminati. I am going to stop watching the news and become a hermit.
2006-10-30 05:15:07
answer #10
answered by GQsmooth 3