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2006-10-29 16:28:14 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

7 answers

why dont you join the BNP

and before anyone jumps in to slate them as a racist party you should read what they have to say.

they are the fastest growing politcal party in the UK and most of the time just tell you what the rest of the political world darent say!!!

and NO i am not a racist, i am just worried about what is happening to this country. The politicians and do-gooders of this country are scared of opening their mouths for fear of being labelled a racist, look what happened when Jack Straw made a comment about the veil. absolute madness!!!

and if you dont agree with it you dont have to read it !! just put your head back in the sand.


2006-10-29 19:04:28 · answer #1 · answered by ♥gigi♥ 7 · 1 1

Totally agree with poor old Mr Common sense !!

2006-10-30 01:25:31 · answer #2 · answered by the_tent_man36 4 · 0 0

You racist SOAB. Get out of our country. You don't even deserve to live in our prisons.

2006-10-30 04:49:04 · answer #3 · answered by genghis41f 6 · 0 0

no, I will be long dead before that happens

2006-10-30 00:45:25 · answer #4 · answered by Klamidia 2 · 0 0

well said bev

2006-10-30 13:00:55 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 1


2006-10-30 00:29:49 · answer #6 · answered by The Lone Gunman 6 · 0 0

No. And why should I? That site is so uninformed and rifled with more propoganda. If only the Islamic extremists and the Western opposition to the extremist would refrain from propoganda and open up real lines of communication to find long term solutions.

And I'd be careful of the BNP too. Some of the greatest threats to democracy reside within it.

Some of the BNP members:

Nick Griffin (Party Chairman) Received a two-year suspended sentence in April 1998 for inciting racial hatred. His magazine The Rune carried obscene anti-Semitic and Holocaust denial material as well as crude racism.

Tony Lecomber
Tony Lecomber (Group Development Officer). In 1985 he was convicted on five counts for offences under the Explosives Act, including possession of homemade hand-grenades and electronic timing devices. Sentenced to three-years imprisonment.
In 1991 he was sentenced to another three years imprisonment for unlawful wounding for his part in an attack on a Jewish schoolteacher whom he caught trying to peel off a BNP sticker at an underground station. He has a total of 12 convictions.

Colin Smith (South East London organiser). Has amassed a total of 17 convictions for burglary, theft, stealing cars, possession of drugs and assaulting a police officer.

John Tyndall (founder of the BNP). Six convictions. In 1962 he was jailed for organising a paramilitary organisation. Four years later, he was again sent to prison for possession of a loaded gun. In 1986, he was convicted for incitement to racial hatred under the Public Order Act and sentenced to 12 months imprisonment.

Warren Bennett (Chief Steward). Supposed to keep order in the party yet has convictions for football hooliganism. In 1998, he was deported from France with over 50 other Scottish hooligans, including several BNP members.

Steve Belshaw (East Midlands BNP organiser. Was convicted in 1994 for assaulting a lawyer in his home-town of Mansfield. At the time, Belshaw combined his BNP membership with Combat 18 activity.

Kevin Scott (North East Regional Organiser). Was convicted in 1993 for hurling a glass at a black customer in a pub.

Alan Gould (Waltham Forest Organiser). Was convicted in 2000 for racially abusing people in a local pub. He told the court that it was the drink getting the better of him.

Robert Bennett
Robert Bennett. A leading activist in Oldham BNP during the 2002 elections campaign, Bennett has served five years in prison for the gang rape of a woman. He has also served seven years for armed robbery and has over 30 convictions in total.

Mick Treacy. The Oldham organiser has five convictions for violence, theft, and handling stolen goods

Darren Dobson. Found guilty of racially aggravated assault at Oldham magistrates in November 2001. Fined £300. Connected to football hooligans in the Oldham area, and has links to the nazi terror group Combat 18

Darren Hoy. April 2002, the BNP supporter was sent to prison for 3 months for racially abusing people as they left an anti-fascist rally in Oldham.

According to the BNP 2001 general election manifesto, “native Britons”, who they claim can only be white, would be given priority in the job market. “Non-whites” would instantly become second class citizens in Britain.

Any black person who commits a crime would also be thrown out of the country, even those who were born here.

Mixed race relationships would be outlawed.

According to party number two, Tony Lecomber, the preservation of the white race can be done through a racial eugenic programme.

Former National Organiser Richard Edmonds was convicted for his part in a vicious bottle attack on a mixed race couple in a pub in East London 1993

BNP supporter Stuart Kerr was sentenced to 12 years imprisonment for firebombing an Asian shop in Chichester, Sussex

BNP leader Nick Griffin was convicted of incitement to racial hatred in April 1998

London nail bomber: David Copeland
The BNP organiser for Waltham Forest, Alan Gould, was convicted of racially abusing people in a pub in 2000

Former BNP member David Copeland was sentenced to six life sentences after planting bombs in London. He wanted to start a race war.

The BNP is also linked to some of the following:

National Alliance, the foremost nazi group in the United States. NA speakers regularly address BNP meeting in the US and, in 1995, it founder and leader, William Pierce, spoke at the BNP annual rally in London. When Pierce died in the summer of 2002, the BNP posted an obituary on its website. Pierce was the author of The Turner Diaries, the fictional account of a Race War. The book proved to be an inspiration for the Oklahoma City bomber, Timothy McVeigh, and the London nailbomber David Copeland.

David Duke meeting BNP leader Nick Griffin in the United States
David Duke, a former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux, is very close to Nick Griffin and the BNP. Griffin has regularly shared platforms with Duke and the American’s antisemitic and Holocaust denial material is sold through the BNP. Duke is currently living in Russia in a bid to avoid the US taxman.

National Democratic Party, Germany’s leading nazi group. NPD leaders deny the Holocaust took place and revere Adolf Hitler. The NPD shares many of its activists with the outlawed Blood and Honour skinhead movement. Griffin addressed a NPD rally in August 2002. NPD activists have attended BNP events in Britain.

Front National, the French fascist group led by Jean-Marie Le Pen. Le Pen was convicted for dismissing the Holocaust as a “mere detail” of the Second World War and for violence. BNP supporters are regular attendees at the FN’s annual summer festival and Griffin has publicly stated his admiration for the group. A member of the FN leadership addressed the 2002 BNP Red, White and Blue festival.

David Irving
Holocaust deniers. The BNP, and especially Nick Griffin, are close to many of the world’s leading Holocaust deniers. Robert Faurisson, one of the foremost Holocaust deniers, was a star witness at Griffin’s trial for racial hatred in 1998. The German Gunter Deckert, who has been to prison for denying the Holocaust, spoke at a London BNP meeting in 2001. Even the British Holocaust denier and antisemite, David Irving, has addressed BNP meetings.

American Renaissance. A far right US based publication that supports the notion of the biological superiority of white people. Each edition is packed with the theories of race-science, and grim statistics showing the moral degeneracy of black people. Griffin spoke at their annual conference in February 2002 on “Racial friction in Britain and Europe”.

Blood and Honour. Blood and Honour is the openly nazi skinhead organisation in Britain. Many of its leaders are BNP members and Blood and Honour nazi bands have raised money for the BNP.

n Nick Griffin’s pamphlet Who are the Mindbenders Jewish names are listed as proof that they control the media.

Mindbenders claims that, “The mass media in Britain today have managed to implant into many people’s minds the idea that it is ‘anti-Semitic’ even to acknowledge that members of the Jewish community play a large part in controlling our news”.

Jews are accused of “providing us with an endless diet of pro-multiracial, pro-homosexual, anti-British trash”.

Who are the Mindbenders? has a sinister history:

It follows the lead of The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, the notorious 19th century tsarist forgery that purports to be the minutes of a meeting of Jews documenting their plans to control the whole world.

Mindbenders is based on Who Rules America?, written by Dr William Pierce, who before his death last year was one of the world’s foremost neo-nazis and a self confessed ally of Nick Griffin.

Pierce authored the notorious Turner Diaries, which inspired the Oklahoma bombing, and was the leader of the National Alliance, a group described by the US Anti-Defamation League as one of the most dangerous neo-nazi groups in the world. Griffin’s booklet is a carbon copy of Pierce’s.

Griffin sees the Holocaust as a lie invented by Jews to make money: “As your Hollywood friend is fond of remarking, (provided he is safely in select company) ‘there’s no business like Shoah business”.

When the former MP Alex Carlisle reported Griffin for inciting racial hatred and Holocaust denial, Griffin fumed: “This bloody Jew, our local MP who organised the raid whose only claim to fame is that two of his parents died in the Holocaust”

Star witness as Harrow Crown Court on Griffin’s behalf was Robert Faurisson, the famous French Holocaust denier.

In the 1990s the BNP hosted a number of revisionism seminars that were addressed by some of the world’s most infamous Holocaust deniers. They included David Irving.

The BNP claim that it is not Asians but only Muslims they have a problem with. This is not true. ‘Muslim’ is often used as a codeword for ‘Asian’ precisely because of gaps in the law.

Nick Griffin pretended that he was not blaming ordinary Muslims, but expressed horror when Tony Blair pushed the same message. “Blair and Bush lie about Islam”, Griffin declared, claiming that is was an attempt by Blair to “Curry favour with Britain’s three million angry Muslims”.

Ordinary Asians in Bradford and Oldham are placed in the same category as those terrorists who flew planes into the World Trade Centre. “The question of whether or not our land will remain ours will be decided not in the mountains of Afghanistan, but in towns like Oldham and Burnley. Anyone who finds that hard to believe needs only to read the Koran to understand why”.

By getting support from Muslim haters in other ethnic groups, the BNP are fostering more division and race hate. These Sikh and Hindu BNP supporters represent only a handful of fanatics. They speak for noone but themselves.

As far back as 1996, the BNP were attacking Muslims as being separate from other ethnic groups. Then members were active in campaigns against the opening of mosques in east and south London. They wrote at the time, “The BNP has no objection to Muslims having their own places of worship – providing they are in Muslim countries and not in Britain”.

The BNP has recently claimed that Al-Qia’da is the true form of Islam and that moderate Muslims who want to live peacefully with other religions are non-believers. This is clear incitement and distortion.

Are these are the people who will rule Britain one day?

2006-10-30 04:20:44 · answer #7 · answered by Ni Ten Ichi Ryu 4 · 0 0

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