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What makes someone a bigot, racist, etc.

2006-10-29 15:47:38 · 9 answers · asked by Sid B 2 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

9 answers

One word : IGNORANCE

2006-10-29 15:50:19 · answer #1 · answered by jammer 6 · 1 0

People would be naturally prejudice because our minds like to process things using shortcuts as opposed to actually thinking things through and figuring out how that person really is. We find it easier to already have an idea about someone simply based on stereotypes and what we've been taught, so that becomes part of how we think and view people. Add to this being raised in an environment that encourages hate or racism...then we find it even more difficult to change that manner of thinking.

2006-10-30 00:01:54 · answer #2 · answered by buenanser 2 · 0 0

Assuming you are a youngun......there will always be some sort of "prejudice" in the world. Trust me......it was worse! As a very young child I couldn't sit next to my friend on the bus......because she was black! As a teen waitress part-time.....boss wanted me to tell a black man sitting at the counter that he would have to eat his order in the kitchen.......I quit then & there!! Lived in the country so there wasn't a whole lot of this crap, but I could not understand it then and certainly wouldn't abide by the so called "rules"! That little 13 yr. old boy that was tortured and killed because he said "Hello" to a white woman was buried near where I grew up!! Absolutely horrible and complete nonsense to believe that one person is better than another. A young boy in a commercial on t.v. says it very well......."We all need to live together in this world therefore we should all get along and help each other!!

2006-10-29 23:58:06 · answer #3 · answered by Rodeored 2 · 0 1

Because people are weak minded and cant think for themselves.
Most are taught prejudice from older people ex. there parents.
Its a vicious cycle that I don't see ending let there hate consume them.

2006-10-29 23:51:51 · answer #4 · answered by Bleed the Freak 5 · 0 1

cause most of the guys like me wants to bully other people cause we are born to be bad, bad mother ****** evil is in our sign of being a macho guys or strong will always survived than the weaker people

2006-10-30 03:08:15 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

religion is one of the major causes of prejudice
also how a person was raised, the area they live in, the school they attended, the values of their family

2006-10-29 23:50:05 · answer #6 · answered by squishy 3 · 0 1

Because people are afraid of things that are different from themselves.

2006-10-29 23:52:21 · answer #7 · answered by devs_mom2000 2 · 0 1

ignorance and bad experience

2006-10-29 23:52:16 · answer #8 · answered by sean b 2 · 1 0

Well, most of the answers are true in some way , but only if they fit the individuals learned criteria for " prejudice." For instance, when someone mentions the word "prejudice" the first thing a person thinks of is a " white " person. That is because since the so-called civil rights movement and the Zionist agenda it is the white person whom is most often attacked as being racist.

The racist laws were divised to use against white people and never any other race even though there have definetly been more racist crimes against whites than against any other race. With the invent of the internet we can now more clearly track those racist crimes against whites which are "verbotin" to speak of in the media because if the truth were to be really known it would destroy anything the civial rights movement, NAACP and any other non- white laws or organization have to support its existance. That is the reason you don't hear the real racism and "prejudice " statistics in this world because it would expose decades of lies imposed upon the "White" people of America.

A great example is the widely telivised dragging of a black man named JAMES BRYD by three white males that was first reported as a racist crime. What was discovered later was that it was not a racist crime but a crime of vengeance in a drug deal gone bad . Bryd was made an example of because of this drug deal gone bad , not because he was black. But what is even more horifying is that while the so-called media was running the James Bryd draggings they were covering up and ignoring several other draggings of whites that were in fact racist crimes unlike the James Byrd crime....such as :

""Patricia Stansfield", a 46-year-old White woman, was abducted by a Black man, Christopher Coleman, who had stolen a car belonging to one of her friends. Then Coleman tied Ms. Stansfield to the car's rear bumper and proceeded to drag her across a three-mile stretch of Highway 18 as he drove from Streator into the countryside. The dragging caused Ms. Stansfield to die.

The media blacked out any coverage of this murder, although they had sensationalized a very similar murder in Jasper, Texas, involving a White killer and a Black victim."

Six year old white boy dragged to death by black male:

Crime occurred on 22 February 2000 in Independence, Missouri. The victim was a six-year-old White boy. Kim Davis, age 34, stole a car belonging to Jake Robel's mother. Davis attempted to push Jake out of the car, but did not halt when it became clear that the boy was caught in his seat-belt. Davis dragged Jake along the road for about four miles at speeds up to 80 miles per hour, causing the child's death. The news media did report this crime, except that it concealed the fact that the murderer was a Black man. "


A South Carolina case in which two Black males chained a White man to a pickup truck and dragged him is receiving little or no natonal attention, despite its eerie parallels to a 1998 case in Jasper, Texas which led to an explosion of White guilt and a firestorm of racially-charged invective because the Jasper victim was Black and his assailants White.

Blacks Kenneth Smith, 41 and Lamont McKay, 27, pleaded guilty to federal carjacking counts under laws enacted to deal with deadly Black carjackings of White tourists in Florida. Smith was given a 14 year sentence and McKay seven years. One striking feature of the case was that despite claims that the Blacks used racial slurs against the victim, prosecutors refused to pursue "hate crime" charges. "

In Jasper, Texas itself, 44-year-old Ken Tillery, who was White, was kidnapped by three Blacks in 2002. He was mercilessly beaten and then dragged to his death under his own car. Yet who remembers (or has even heard of) Ken Tillery?

Sandra Roberts a 41-year-old Kansas City White woman who fell prey to a Black carjacker, Sean Adams, in 2000. Roberts could not free herself from her seatbelt and was dragged to her death. Who remembers (or has even heard of) Sandra Roberts?

In Streator, Illinois, Patricia Stansfield, White, was dragged to death in 1998. She died when Black carjacker Christopher Coleman set upon her and, like Sandra Roberts, could not escape. Who remembers (or has even heard of) Patricia Stansfield?

Perhaps the most wrenching politically correct dragging death happened to little Jake Robel. Jake was a six-year-old White boy in Missouri who was murdered by Black thief Kim Davis when Davis attempted to steal Jake's mother's car. Davis grabbed the child and flung him out of the car, but Jake remained caught in his seatbelt. Davis drove for miles, dragging Jake to pieces. Who remembers (or has even heard of) Jake Robel, dragged to death February 22, 2000?

Unlike the White Jasper assailants, some of these Black killers even have web pages devoted to them, put up by politically-correct "activists."


Now theres some PREJUDICE for you! All black victims are reported while the white victims are silenced in order to make white America believe that only whites are prejudice or do racial draggings. It happens everyday in the media and whites are non the wiser until recently! Fact is a white is 5 times more likely to be dragged to death by a black than a black is by a white.

Below this sentence is a link to a site that catigorizes all the black on white crime that is not mention in the so-called Main Stream Media which BTW is responsible for keeping the outrageous and overwhelming black on white crime quiet in order to appease blacks and organizations built on the Civil Rights movement Myth! Some of it is so horendous and terrifying that it should have been reported above and beyound the James Bryd draggings because of the severity and sickness of some of the black crimminal acts. Is it "prejudice" to report such horrific crimes of whites on black but to keep silent the horific crimes of Blacks on whites which are some 50 times comminted more often? I think it is racist and prejudice not to mention shocking to hide this epidemic of black on white crime!

What about the " The Columbine Massacre " wereas the perpetrators were touted as being white racist and nazies, but in actuality were Jews! And don't tell me that Jews are white because they are not, and they are a race not a religeous sect. for instance " Klebold " stated ""We hate *******, spicks ... and let's not forget you white P.O.S. [pieces of expletive] also. We hate you." So if a Jew can recognise the differance between a Jew and white and also show that he/she is not associated ( as a race) with the whites, then why can't we see them ( Jews) also as non-whites?

FBI Agent Dwayne Fuselier had sons involved. His boy helped make a movie, using Klebold and Harris, about the coming massacre, and the other son, Brian, amazingly escaped the massacre.

They were members of the Trench Coat Mafia. ( Jewish Mafia)"

See here how an FBI son was protected and the fact that he was Jewish was protected and kept from the media!


But that not all, did you know that all the school shootings reported in America and abroad were commited by Jews and no other race of people?

"Alabama Churche Fires" Were commited by three Jewish boys from a rich neighborhood but were touted in the media as being "rich white boys." This was a hate crime because Southern baptist were trying to convert Jewish people and after awarning not to do so the churches were then set on fire as reprocussions for continual conversion of Jewish people.Even more horific the tatget of each church was the pulpit and Thermite was used to start the fires not gas or any other combustable material. This is a diliberate hate crime and a crime of prejudice! Read the complete truth and story here:

What about Natalee Holloway, thats right , the suspects are Jewish touted once again as rich white kids. Read the truth in the link below:http://judicial-inc.biz/Joran_va_der_sloot.htm

And the "Kip Kinkel" masecre, thats right folks, Jewish involvement: http://judicial-inc.biz/kip_kinkel.htm

"The Pearl High School Killings" Once again , Jewish involvement:

"Massacre at Red Lake" commited by a Jewish/Indian with many ties to Jewish organizations,others such as :


A Jewish kid by the name of Andrew Golden (Jewish), and his partner Michael Johnson, killed five kids as they exited the building, due to a fake fire. Their sentence was 5 years in jail

Real white kids, if they were to do this would get life in prison or death. But since the legal system in America is mostly comprised of Jewish lawyers and judges it protects those Jews from such harsh punishment.

Benjamin Smith - Shot 11 people
Benjamin Nathan Smith (Jewish), grew up in the exclusive Jewish neighborhood of Wilmette, and went to the Jewish New Trier high school.
He went on a three day drug-induced shooting spree, and culminated it by fatally shooting himself.


Much more at this kink of archives: http://judicial-inc.biz/Ma_ster_older_archives.htm

Conclusion: Is it fair or could it be "prejudice" that accuses whites as mass murders in school shootings when the facts show that all school shootings are exclusive to those whom are Jew or have Jewish involvement?

And what about all those so-called black inventions which are realy not black inventions but stolen and said to have been invented by blacks when historic records and "Patents" prove that the real inventors were white ,somtimes as far away as a hundred years or so but are being claimed by blacks to lend credence toward black history month and false history to shore up the black civil rights movenment in order to prove that blacks are intelligent enough to do so. Farther from the truth is that there are no such things as any true black invention in all of history. It is simply a historic lie to shore up the blacks as able to achieve that which they never have.

"Perhaps you've heard the claims: Were it not for the genius and energy of African-American inventors, we might find ourselves in a world without traffic lights, peanut butter, blood banks, light bulb filaments, and a vast number of other things we now take for granted but could hardly imagine life without.

Such beliefs usually originate in books or articles about black history. Since many of the authors have little interest in the history of technology outside of advertising black contributions to it, their stories tend to be fraught with misunderstandings, wishful thinking, or fanciful embellishments with no historical basis.

Unfortunately, some of the errors and exaggerations have acquired an illusion of credibility by repetition in mainstream outlets, especially during Black History Month (see examples for the traffic light and ironing board). When myths go unchallenged for too long, they begin to eclipse the truth. Thus I decided to put some records straight.

Each item below is listed with its supposed black originator beneath it along with the year it was supposedly invented, followed by something about the real origin of the invention or at least an earlier instance of it.

Thusly, the great Black invention lie! Is that not some form of prejudice when those who steal the inventions of whites and attribute them to blacks in order to shore up a shallow dream and fallacy that blacks have really attributed anything worthy to the American dream and history? Or is it racist to steal anothers dreams and history and attribute it to those whom have never attributed anything worthwhile to this great nation. Is it "prejudice", racist , hatefull to steal history and give unto them whom have no real history, simply to support a lie? Is it prejudice to tell white children in school that a black man invented something when it was really their white forfathers whom invented it. Is it prejudice to steal these white childrens rightfull heritage and apply it to those who don't deserve it, and for what?




"WASHINGTON – The most likely victim of a hate crime in the U.S. is a poor, young, white, single urban dweller, according to an analysis of Justice Department statistics collected from between July 2000 and December 2003.

A November report by the Bureau of Justice Statistics detailing a study of 210,000 "hate crimes" a year during that period has gone virtually unreported by the U.S. press.

But it does contain some surprising numbers. While race is, by far, the No. 1 factor cited as the reason for hate crimes, blacks are slightly less likely to be victims and far more likely to be perpetrators, the statistics show.


Is it prejudice to tell people that your race is of the GODLY chosen race when the Bible never supports that myth but shows another race as the true chosen and the true people of Israel.

Read :EXPLODING THE "CHOSEN PEOPLE" MYTH and find out why the Jews have been lying to us and why they are not and never can be the chosen of GOD but use the chosen people myth in order to control all non-Jerwish peoples to do their bidding. Is that not racist, prejudice, ungodly? See who the real chosen people are by cliking on the bottom of this story to get into the archives of biblical history and facts of the bible in "Jack Mohr's Index Page"

To hell with prejudism as we know it. We know that all prejudicism has been and always will be directed at the white people while they cover up the prejudice , hatred, racism, against the white peoples. Prejudice is whatever you have been taught to believe but an informed mind is a dangerous mind to those who try to cover up the real truth and the real racism in America and around the world.

Funny how everyone can now actively prejudice and hate the Muslim, and Iranian, Iraqi people because it is government ordained and accepted. If tomorrow it were made leagal to hate and scorn and kill all whites, or Mexicans, or perhaps Blacks, there would be a blood bath in every nation upon the earth. Funny how some people can ordain Bushs hatred as a reason for war and hate one group as long as their government ordains and allows it but cry aload when we hate those whom are protected under our governements racist laws. Only government sanctioned "Prejudice" is allowed and aslong as your government sanctions and allows prejudice toward a race of people in order to substantiate the governments reason for war , then most of you will honor that racism and pprejudice and act upon it without moral thought but refrain from hating others because your government protects that certain race..... even if that race deserves all the hatred and prejudice they they should be getting.

PREJUDICE is nothing more than that which is dictated to you by societial acceptance and non-acceptance or government sanctioned racism or prejudice such as we experiance everyday on the Main Stream Media and their hatred toward Muslims. One minute they spew hatred of Muslims , Iragi's, or Iranians and the next minute they are angry about the racims toward a poor black victim while ignoring the 50 white victims of the same crime, or the Muslims who were victimized by racist people. Its all a name game and all people have some sort of prjudice. We have simply been trained by our government to not let that prejudice escape us and become visable. WE have been trained to talk BS in front of people and about the person next to us who is racist while we keep in check ( for the moment ) our racist but when they are not around to appease we let our racism and prejudice go rampant arounfd those whom are like minded. All peoples of the earth are racist and prejudice!

I for one am racist and prejudice. The only differance between me and you is that I don't hide the truth. I am prejudice because it is a natual defense against those whom are prejudice toward me and my people. I am prejudice because I see and experiance it all around me by other races....... I am white! I won't lie in this phony forum to give you a false feeling of security that I abhor racist and prejudism, because I realize that many of you are simply hiding behind a lie based to appease those around you so that you will not be labled. To hell with labels, sometimes such labels as racist and anti-semite have no teeth anymore because they are worn out and devised only to silence the truth about certain races. What if racist are the only people not living the lie? Are they racist simply because they speak the truth about a certain race that they are supposed to keep quiet about in order to appease that race? Its all about control and keeping one race down........ that race is the white race!

2006-10-30 02:09:08 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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