DO NOT GET ONE!!!!! They stink the more you bath them the worse it gets. They will not bond with you, I tried everything. And they are messy, You can clean their cage twice a day, and they will tear it apart again, and again.
2006-10-29 13:45:38
answer #1
answered by dancinintherain 6
Awesome, I think I will always have a ferret. I have had a ferret for 5 years, and although I really think I lucked out with her, she's awesome. I don't know what the first person did but I completely disagree with him. If you get one they depend on you, My ferret is very bonded to me. She'll lay with me when I watch tv, she follows me around when I get ready in the morning. Yes they get into everything but she knows the word no, and she understands that she shouldnt be doing it. Just consistancy with them. Over time you find what they like to get into and you just move it, ferret proof. I reccommend getting a female they are much tamer than males. Just from what I've seen but I'm sure that's not the case with all males. If you have any questions just let me know...Happy to help.
2006-10-31 12:48:23
answer #2
answered by BLuez 2
Awesome! We have had two and loved them both. We had 4 cats and a dog and they all basically ignored the ferret or played with him when the mood hit.
I would introduce him to the other critters slowly, ferrets will run right up to your cat or dogs and right away want to play and wrestle and that will be a bit off putting for your other furry friends. Ferrets go through life like everything was put there just for them. Definitely supervise the play with the other animals.
Make sure your ferret is young, descented and spayed or neutered. Also, handle it a lot. Ours loved to be snuggled. Females are a bit more snuggly than males, but both are sweet. They love to be played with and ours like to play chase. We also taught one of them to come to the sound of a little squeaky toy he liked to play with. They sometimes like to nip and you have to let them know that is not good by scruffing them and firmly telling them no. They get the idea real quick. My husband bought some pieces of PVC pipe and elbows and made ferret mazes for him to run through and he loved that too. They also like to play in boxes of packing peanuts when you get a delivery at the house.
Enjoy your ferret, ours were both named Bosco (I know, not very original) and they were both a blast and sweet little things.
2006-10-29 21:56:17
answer #3
answered by ? 7
In my opinion ferrets make great pets, if you are up for the task. I am a first time ferret owner, and I was quite sceptical at first because of all the rumors about how hard they are to care for. I have fornd that they are sort of high matinence but once you get used to it it's not all that bad. My ferret used to play with the cats and dogs at his old home so if you are lucky yours will too, and that will make things easier for you. However if you have any other small rodents... Don't make the mistake of thinking they will get along. I did, and my rat almost got killed. You will need a big cage for him/her and they require alot of attention. I rarely keep mine in his cage because I am home alot and only put him in it when I leave the house. But if you don't have that much time at home, you will still need to take him/her out for atleast an hour or two of playtime EVERY DAY to keep your ferret happy. They also require monthly baths to keep them from smelling (which to be quite honest really isn't that bad at all) But no more than once a month because they have oil glands on their skin that keeps their coat soft and their skin moisturized. Bathing them too much strips the oils and maked their skin very itchy, and thier oil glands go into overdrive. It also makes them smell even worse. Exceptions being if they have fleas or have gotten into something dirty. Nail trimming and ear cleaning are needed about once every week or two. And they require a litter box. Although some are harder to potty train than others... Mine wouldn't use the box, but now he will go on newspaper. They sleep most of the day but when they are out and about they are misciviouse little devils. You will want to make sure to block off or put away anything you don't want them to get into or ahold of. Because they love to investigate anything and everything. They love to get into purses and bags, and anything they feel is theirs will be rushed off to the nearest hiding place (most likely under a bed or dresser where you can't get to it. lol) Also, mine really likes squeeky toys and cat-nip balls. Make sure the rubber on their toys isn't too thin so they cant chew through it and swallow it. Ferrets make wonderfull pets for the people that can handle it. I think they are worth the work. Hope I have provided you with atleast some helpful information. If you end up with one, good luck with your new friend...
P.S. Don't believe the person before me. Obviously they were doing something wrong...
2006-10-29 21:53:55
answer #4
answered by Ch33kS_x00x 3