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It is an incandescent light. Thin wires (connected to the back of the switch from a little black box) go from the switch to the relay. Then black and white from the relay go to the lights. There is power on the black wire but lights will not turn on and relay clicks when I turn it on. HELP, I AM IN THE DARK!!!

2006-10-29 10:27:23 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

3 answers

You said "lights". are they wired in series? one could be bad. If not you will need to check the wire connections. Since you know there is power on the black wire you should be able to check continuity of all wiring to make sure there is not a break or bad connection. If it is a relay you should be able to check to see if it is bad by measuring continuity on it also.

2006-10-29 10:39:29 · answer #1 · answered by blue_eagle74 4 · 0 0

not sure what type of "relay" your referring to...(am a 30 plus yr in the trade....) Most lights simply have an on /off switch wired breaking the hot lead to the fixture....some use a sensor.. some even may use a low voltage pendant type lighting....which also wouldnt need a realy but a transformer . My best guess is your speaking of a sensor...that isnt going on....and if so then replace it

2006-10-29 19:19:19 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

assuming the bulbs are good, it'a probably a bad relay

2006-10-29 18:30:13 · answer #3 · answered by xjoizey 7 · 1 0

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