Take a test! And you will get an answer!
2006-10-29 09:09:33
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
do a pregnacy test. some women continue to have their periods (although lighter) during pregnancy. alternatively you could be having a
Phantom pregnancy
A phantom, or false pregnancy, is a condition in which a non-pregnant woman exhibits all the classic symptoms of pregnancy and is firmly convinced that she is pregnant even when clear medical evidence shows that she is not. The medical term for this condition is pseudocyesis
The first thing a woman with a phantom pregnancy will probably do is visit her GP or antenatal clinic complaining of all the usual symptoms and minor discomforts of early pregnancy such as breast enlargement; nausea and vomiting; weight gain and abdominal distension. If a urine sample is tested at this stage it will confirm the existence, or otherwise of a pregnancy, but a woman suffering from a true pseudocyesis will continue to insist that she is pregnant, regardless of medical opinion.
While the incidence of true pseudocyesis is extremely rare, the most 'at risk' group of women are those in their late thirties or early forties who desperately want a child and have been trying to conceive for many years. These women will normally be quite stable emotionally but will have a tendency to become very emotional over the whole question of pregnancy.
Pseudocyesis can also occur in some women who have lost a pregnancy or a baby and, while it is probably an emotional reaction to their trauma, there is also evidence to suggest that a temporary hormonal imbalance may be a contributory factor.
2006-10-29 09:23:13
answer #2
answered by wicca 2
If you have done several tests and they are all negative, ask your GP to run some hormone tests on you. It is possible that you are having what are called early miscarriages/chemical pregnancies. This is where the egg is fertilised but doesn't implant because its released to late or conditions aren't right. If your GP does tests at the beginning of your cycle and also at a certain point where you should have ovulated (if your cycle is working properly) then they will be able to rule out these chemical pregnancies. Or, if that is what is happening, help you on the next stage as there are things that can be done.
Good luck.
2006-11-01 03:07:58
answer #3
answered by LJayne 2
Your doctor can give you a pregnancy test that will be much more accurate and definitive than a home test. Definitely see your OB/GYN about your symptoms; if you are pregnant and you are bleeding, something could be wrong. It sounds more likely, though, that you are not pregnant and you are having periods. Sometimes women who really want to be pregnant have physical symptoms of pregnancy, but these are caused by psychological factors. If those are the kinds of symptoms you are having, see if you doc can refer you to a therapist to talk to, to help you through the difficulty of this time. Good luck.
2006-10-29 09:32:42
answer #4
answered by Anna D 2
Yes, people have periods and are pregnant. You may need to get the blood test to convince yourself whether you are or not. That is the only 100% for sure way to tell. So, I'd do that then go from there. Also, wanting it so much can cause symptoms also. I just hope you are and if you aren't that it will happen soon. You can take your temp every morning before getting out of bed and when it changes it means you are ovulating, that's the best time for trying before you get out of bed. Good luck.
2006-10-29 09:11:52
answer #5
answered by MISS-MARY 6
I know exactly how you feel!! I've heard that you can have your period and be pregnant as well, but the test may not pick up the hormone at first!! I would say wait a couple of days and take a test to be sure! If you can't wait, take one in the morning. Good Luck
2006-11-01 06:07:39
answer #6
answered by angellove 4
You'll have to go to the doctor or family planning clinic to get a definite answer on whether you're pregnant or not. But to answer the other part of your question, Yes.....it's possible. I had periods for the first 5 months of my pregnancy. My son is now 7 days old and perfect in every way.
2006-10-29 20:55:38
answer #7
answered by Gail H 4
Yes, it is possible, with my second child, I had my period for the 1st 3 months, although is was lighter and not as red, but the best way is to go to the doctors and get a blood test, which can determine pregnancy for sure.
2006-10-29 09:12:06
answer #8
answered by Jennifer L 4
yes you could be pregnant it is possible to have period type bleeds during pregnancy. However keep doing pregnancy test because even if you are having the periods it will show up the pregnancy hormone in the test if you are pregnant.
Maybe it is a phantom pregnancy?
2006-10-29 09:12:46
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
My mom had monthly bleeding the whole time she was pregnant with me. She went to the ER thinking she had food poisoning or a tumor or something when I started to move around. The docs told her she was preggo and she laughed in their faces. She was still having periods, she couldn't be pregnant. They said whatever you say, see you for delivery in about 3 months. Sure enough, 3 months later, here I come! Fooled her, didn't I? :)
2006-10-29 09:23:56
answer #10
answered by Jessie P 6
I had my period normally for the first three months of my first pregnancy. It is possible and I would recommend going to your doctor for a blood test. Good luck.
2006-10-29 09:10:14
answer #11
answered by treymf 2