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these are in hangers and pots. one of the ones in a pot is over 3' in diameter. i've tried keeping ferns growing inside but doesn't work well, been there done that. these are gorgeous plants!

2006-10-28 23:47:04 · 2 answers · asked by steve 1 in Home & Garden Other - Home & Garden

2 answers

Sounds like Boston ferns. They need a light room but not direct sunlight. Don't water them until the top inch of soil is dry and don't let water sit in the saucer. Take the plant wherever you can and mist the foliage with water a few times a week. And you can use a half strength Peters or Miracle Grow fert once a month. That should keep them going till warm weather returns and you can take them outside again.

2006-10-29 01:18:30 · answer #1 · answered by college kid 6 · 0 0

You do not indicate where you live. But the following answer may give you some ideas.

Ferns are tender plants that are happiest under cool greenhouse conditions over winter. You can have leaf-drop in a dry apartment or house.

You could construct a coldframe on a balcony, but if it gets cold for any extended period, it won't provide enough protection. An old trick is to place an incandescent light bulb in a box under your coldframe. This will provide considerable heat on the coldest nights. Cut back foliage to a manageable size and keep plants on the dry side under these conditions

Another possibility is to cut back the foliage, unpot the plant, choose a few of the best looking tubers, cut them out and repot them separately into small pots. Enclose the pots in partially closed plastic bags (such as zip-lock bags), and place them in a bright place inside. If you can keep the pests off, they should be ready to go back outside in late spring.


2006-10-31 13:29:50 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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