Republicans always tout that if your not Republican or you don't agree with them you are unpatriotic hate the troops and your anti christian ...and all of these are lies that they enjoy..I am a Christian and a Patriot and I am proud to say Liberal!!! Okay after reading all of these comments by so called Christians about the things Democrats have done I feel the need to explain further...Democrats support gay marriage...took prayer out of the school....Seperation of church and state ...the evil continues...WRONG! Liberal Christians follow Christ and his teachings they teach it to others they do not legislate it...I believe in every man's right to pursue truth and hapiness for himself as did my savior Jesus Christ who did not attempt to legislate his morality on to others...Many conservative Christians believe that God should be taught in school not even giving consideration to the fact if their God is taught so are other Gods going to be taught otherwise you don't have freedom of religion but a government sponsered religion and if the government can sponser Christianity it also could easily dump Christinity in favor of any other religion..supose Christians children were required to go to a school where Satanism was being taught...I think there idea of seperation of church and state would change in a hurry..unfortunately someone has to look after these conservatives that are not aware of what they are supporting when they seek to take the rights of others away it strips them of their rights also..I support people's freedom of religion and it should be taught at home and at church but not at school and forced on others
2006-10-28 22:37:37
answer #1
answered by djmantx 7
I do not believe Democrats are anti-christian. In fact, I know many Democrats who are very devote religious people. What is more proper to say is that Republicans and Democrats interpret the separation of church and state differently. Many Democrats view this as their should be no representation of religion related to government or it's entities. While Republicans believe that it relates to the idea that there should be no establishment of a state religion. Both sides get very nasty in their rhetoric on this issue. Many Republicans attempt to demonize Democrats as being completely against religion, while many Democrats attempt to demonize Republicans by labeling them as religious zealots. In the end religion cannot be completely removed from government, nor can it be too favorable towards it. The biggest problem is that neither side is willing to find acceptable compromise. Both sides seem to want all or nothing and the debate suffers greatly as a result. Personally, I am with you, it is just all getting very old.
Nelson Muntz: The idea of separation of church and state is an idea of Thomas jefferson, not liberals. The phrase appears for the first time in a letter dated 1/1/1802 from Thomas Jefferson to a group called the Danbury Baptists.
Relevant Text: "I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State."
Nelson Muntz: I am not saying you are right or wrong, I merely state that the idea you proposed is not an original liberal thought. If you want my opinion on the matter. I believe that conservatives are more correct in their literal reading of the constitution. The Founding Fathers were religious men and they did not believe there should be no religion in government. This is because they believed their hands and actions were guided by God. What they were speaking against was the formation of a state religion such as the Church of England, which all people would be forced to adhere to, or a situation where the government might outlaw certain religions they didn't agree with. I am not religious, but I am constatly amazed at just how far seeing and intelligent these men really were. I truly believe that if they were alive today they would be appalled at how their vision is being subverted.
2006-10-29 05:42:16
answer #2
answered by Bryan 7
Democrats are opposed to taking away religious freedom. However, they attend church less often.
This may be due to the Republican courting of religious and values voters (often with false promises) These folks left the Democrat party and became concentrated in the Republican party. It has little to do with Democrat philosophy itself.
Proof of my proposition is in the October 6-8 USA Today Gallup poll,
"on the generic Congressional ballot ...religious whites are equally as likely to say they will vote Democratic as Republican"
In other words, Christian voters may be leaving the Republicans, resulting in a balance of religiosity between the parties. Why? The Republican party has broken many promises to Christians and there's a general trend to give the Democrats a chance at governing the country.
2006-10-29 05:39:16
answer #3
answered by Snowshoe 3
The party that put the judges on the bench that voted to eliminate "under God" from our Pledge of Allegiance were libs, were they not?
Separation of church and state was the idea of whom?
Do you require further proof?
Yes, I am familiar with Mr. Jefferson's thoughts on the issue, however his ideas were not made manifest until very recently by the libs.
If I'm wrong,.... I'm willing to listen
I too agree that the Founding Fathers of our nation didn't want a government forwarded by any religion, and I fully see the wisdom in this. My issue is with the courts legislating religion out of society: I believe the framers of the constitution intended for Christianity to be a constant in American life.
I certainly do not wish to foist upon any American a particular version of truth, but I would like to see a bit more fairness from the courts. This being said, I would like to add that I hold no one belief over all others.
2006-10-29 05:44:52
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
It's all a game called "Politics". The right label the left as "Anti-Christian" and the left label the right as "Pedophiles".
It would be nice if both sides could put just half as much energy into productive work that they put into the name calling and mudslinging. Something would actually get done then.
2006-10-29 05:59:49
answer #5
answered by Mutt 7
There are four supreme court judges that were appointed by Republican presidents. John G Roberts, appointed by Bush II. John Paul Stevens, by Gerald Ford. Antonin Scolia, Ronald Reagan. Anthony M. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan. David Hacket Souter (who ruled that iminant domain was legal), Bush I. Clarence Thomas, Bush I. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Clinton. Stephen G. Breyer, Clinton. Samuel Anthony Alito, Jr, Bush I. So, why do they not reverse the liberal supreme court decisions? They have upheld these supreme court rulings that were made during the early 60's. It is amazing the 'religiosity' of Republicans, and when you go to a Church that supports republicans, you hear more George Bush than you do Jesus Christ.
2006-10-29 06:05:13
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It isn't fair to brush all Democrats with anti-Christian charges, but an awful lot of that party has been hijacked and completely DUPED by the liberals who dominate (unfortunately) what was once a great party. Many of these same far-left loonies make no attempt to hide their utter contempt for Christianity. Read their arrogant, know-it-all commentaries and see how often they attack Christianity (but not Islam, strange indeed) and those who profess faith in it, like many Republicans and the president for example. Thier hatred only reinforces daily for me what I think of them.
2006-10-29 05:40:32
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
If you "see no evidence of Democrats wanting to take away religious freedoms" you are wearing blinders. If you don't think "Dems. are wanting to do away with Christianity" you aren't looking at the evidence.
To begin with, you have to know what a Christian is. That sounds simple: a Christian is one who claims to follow Jesus Christ, right? Well, not really. A Christian is someone who follows, worships and loves Jesus Christ, and who wants to share the Christian story with any one who will listen. that doesn't mean imposing a Christian religion on others -- as the Muslims do. Jesus himself said, "If you love me, follow my commands." His commands, all of them, are contained in the Holy Scriptures, or the Bible, which Christians believe to be the inspired and inerrant Word of God. I'm sure you know, as an educated man, that virtually all of the founding fathers of this nation were Christians. I'm also sure you know that it was Christian values and Christian ethics that for nearly 200 years helped to make this country the greatest nation on earth.
Next you must know what a Democrat is. A Democrat is someone who calls himself or herself a Democrat.
But you must also know what a liberal, or secular/progressive is. A liberal is someone who pushes a non-Christian agenda which includes, but is not limited to: relativism (no moral absolutes), homosexuality and abortion (under the banners of human rights and women's rights).
The liberal agenda also includes removing all vestiges of Christianity from the public arena while allowing other religions to be freely represented in the public arena. One clear example of this is the removal of nativity scenes and crosses from public places while allowing the emblems of other religions to remain. Another example the removal of the Bible and all references to it from public schools while allowing other religions, such as Islam, to be taught in those same schools.
All Democrats are not liberals, but most of them are. Every Democrat does not support the liberal, non-Christian agenda, but most of them do. Many of the planks in the Democrat party platform are, in fact, anti-Christian in that they propose policies that are clearly anti-Christian.
Do a little research. Do a little investigation. I think you'll find more evidence than I've listed that shows the Democrat party to push an anti-Christian agenda. Listen to both sides of the story, including Rush Limbaugh, before you make up your mind.
2006-10-29 06:34:27
answer #8
answered by Swampfox 2
I agree with you 100% on that. I feel the same way. You know if they weren't so busy bad mouthing each other they might actually get something done that is for the great good. And I KNOW there are Democrats that believe in God and don't want to take away religious freedoms.
2006-10-29 05:36:35
answer #9
answered by smoothsophie 3
yes sir i agree,i am but a salve to the dollar too. but seems like better we keep republicans in control of the house and senate ,as bush need the support,as he must clean up that mess. so for now i suggest straight republican vote in November.old for sure,but lots of people are dying in this big mess .and world wide America is looking like .one big mother ****** to say the least. i feel bush can clean it up within two years. as far as Dem,s and religion,i think the terrorist think that they ,the lib Dem,s and Dem,s are more infidel than republicans,so yes religion is most important to strike fear in these terrorist.i think .hail bush and the Republican party
2006-10-29 06:30:12
answer #10
answered by CIVILIAN 4