it's not that diffecult...but I'm not sure what is ur back groundany way it's not similar to algebra...but it's not very difficult to learn
2006-10-28 22:52:54
answer #1
answered by M. Abuhelwa 5
Quick answer is you should be fine for high school cacl if you take high school algebra II
You will need to take college algebra if you plan on taking college calculus.
If you have a firm grasp of algebra precalc is useless. This is not an instant formula to sucess. I flunked out of Algebra II 8 years ago and have not been back to a math class till recently. i am getting an A in my calc class. It all depends on how much you work at it.
Calculus is a different kind of math its more conseptual than algebra. That is one reason people say its so hard. Another reason is because all of the technicalities of beginning calculus are algebreic.
Lots of the problems you do have one step in calculus and 5 steps in algebra. Algebra is necisary to learn calculus fully.
Calculus is like a type of food. it tastes different to everyone. But what it comes down to is youll learn it if you aply yoruself
2006-10-30 09:32:08
answer #2
answered by Tacereus 4
It's impossible. You have to get a good background in Math, Algebra 2 is very important and necessary, but not sufficient.
By the way, learning calculus does not mean computing derivatives and solving integrals. It's much more. There's no secret, what you have to do is study hard.
2006-10-29 01:43:02
answer #3
answered by Steiner 7
Algebra 2 helps you in playing when numbers and solving for unknowns. If you want to learn Calculus, forget about the theory and jump straight into derivatives and integrals. First learn derivatives they are easy. Taking derivatives, usually involves a formula that is given in a calculus books; however, with integrals you need technique and a lot of practice which you get from your experience in derivatives. Integrals I just the opposite of a derivative. Once you learn how to take derivatives and integrals you pretty much now calculus.
2006-10-28 20:36:28
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Hi wierd,
No Algebra 2 isn't sufficient enough.
Algebra was easy after I learned it. I suggest you try pre-Calculus once you've mastered that then try Calculus. Go to a counselor/advisor at school they can probably help answer any question you might have, recommend a tutor, also what you would take after Calculus to farther your career.
I hope this helps & have a good day!
2006-10-28 20:44:00
answer #5
answered by dousmokedoobies69 6
calculus is totally nothing like algebra. the best thing i can say is practice makes perfect - just work out all kinds of calculus problems all the time in order to master them. and if needed, get a tutor.
2006-10-28 20:26:09
answer #6
answered by mighty_power7 7
You first need to learn algebra well. There is no way you can learn calculus without a solid algebra, trigonometry and geometry foundation.
2006-10-28 23:21:18
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
algebra 2 is samething as precalc in my opinion. They're not really anything like calculus.
Calculus is more abstract. Its applications are 3 dimensional. And its functions: differentiation and integration, they utilize your basic arithmetic. If you memorize the basic rules for those 2 functions, it's not hard. In fact, it's learnable in a day. Once you get differentiation and integration down, the rest of calculus is easy.
2006-10-28 20:33:35
answer #8
answered by Jeffrey W 3
nicely, your question might want to be considered a rant, it really is adverse to community guidelines. So, if someone extensively disagreed with you, or in the adventure that they were only a stickler for the guidelines, they could justifiably document you and performance your question bumped off. As on your question, i visit in basic terms speculate. you should keep in mind that in college, mathematics is taught in basic terms at least practise for existence, so rote-discovered thoughts are quite all they budgeted for. Calculus has been suitable for a lengthy time period to a good many disciplines, while discrete mathematics has in basic terms been suitable for a extremely short era of time, and nonetheless to a small type of fields (pc technology, are you able to imagine of everywhere else?). quite, the most suitable area of it really is enumeration, it really is roofed in an admittedly cursory way.
2016-12-05 08:19:15
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Yes, but it would be a little difficult. I suggest also taking pre-calc if you want to take calculus to make the transition easier.
2006-10-28 20:29:13
answer #10
answered by Lionheart12 5
Ones you learn and grasp the fundamentals of Algerbra. And Master it. The rest is easy.
2006-10-28 20:28:13
answer #11
answered by dewhatulike 5