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I need to know the difference based on their principle, instrumentation and applications.

2006-10-28 19:55:26 · 2 answers · asked by Vytheeshwaran V 4 in Science & Mathematics Chemistry

2 answers


X-ray diffraction uses x-rays reflected from a crystalline material to analyze the atomic structure of the crystal. The atoms are so close together that ordinary light wavelengths do not produce diffraction patterns, but x-ray wavelengths can. The diffraction patterns reveal the atomic placements and separations in the crystal.

2006-10-28 20:20:28 · answer #1 · answered by gp4rts 7 · 0 0

X-Ray Spec. means spliiting the X-ray into a spectrum, knowing it's components. eg when white light spectrum is analysed it gives us Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red.

X-ray diffraction is an analysis of by how much degrees the various components diffract(change their paths or bend). For X-ray diffraction you will need an Excellent Grating, since the wavelenghts associated with X-rays are 10^-10 mts.

2006-10-28 20:08:36 · answer #2 · answered by Charu Chandra Goel 5 · 0 1

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