sonce the time is falling back tonight what do i do about t he birthc control pill?
ive been on it for almost 2 years and have never really ran into this predicament before. imon seaonale which gives you 3 periods a year so im not gettign a period till next month.
i take it at 10pm every nigth so since the time is falling back do i take it at 9? or 11 pm now? or shoudl i still just take it at 10?
just confused
nice answers only please. thank you =)
7 answers
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Pregnancy & Parenting
➔ Pregnancy
i took ti at 10 tonight. my bf and i are active and we use condoms everytime(properly) . i heard takingit an hour late makes it less effective though? is this true?
19:43:49 ·
update #1