It's totally normal to be freaking out. I'm 27 with 2 kids, 8 & 9 year olds. It will pass I promise. Just make sure the relationship you're in is solid and the 35 single wont happen. My mom always said, don't waste the pretty.
2006-10-28 16:10:12
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
If you keep thinking that way then you'll just wind up with a self fulfilling prophecy and you'll be divorced. Stop thinking so negative and just accept the new year of life God has given you as a blessing. Try making the most out of your marriage. Be a loving wife to your husband and a nurturing mom to your kids. If you're already doing that then keep it up! There's no reason why you should have to worry about getting a divorce.
2006-10-30 09:20:14
answer #2
answered by danikatspecial 4
Ok so...I would first like to point out that you're completely wrong about 80 percent of people who live together get divorced. Where in the world are you getting your bullshit statistics from, because they are way way off. If you do some research there are plenty of statistics that will say that living together is better and others that will say that its not. When yo move in with her, there is going to be alot of new things you are going to learn about her and while it is fun and nice to be with the one you love constantly, it might be hard at first to mesh your habits together. I wouldnt be too worried about not liking the'll both figure out what works for each of you---communicate, and you'll be fine. Moving in together may bring you apart, because it brings many couples apart but stop being so negative and think positive instead. Think of all the good things that will come out of living together. Your relationship is only as strong as you want it to be. After dating for 3 years you should have a pretty good idea regarding her control tendencies and if she even has those tendencies at all. What if she gets fat?!?!?!? You're seriously concerned about this? Im not even going to answer this question. Thats ridiculous. If you don't know whether or not you're a cheater, something is way off....especially if you don't know if SHE is a cheater. YOU'VE BEEN WITH HER FOR 3 YEARS! you should know the answer to all of these crazy questions you have. You dont want to get made fun of? are you ******* serious? GROW UP. You're right, maybe youre way too young to be getting married if youre worried about getting "made fun" of if you have mixed children.
2016-03-19 01:18:57
answer #3
answered by ? 4
Pleeeease. Freak out when you're my age (51)! Your 30's and 40's are amazing - just wait and see (just don't have any more kids!!). By the way, I was a single mom at the age of 40. Remarried at 43 (happily ever after this one is). Enjoy your 20's and happy birthday!
2006-10-28 16:09:50
answer #4
answered by mJc 7
You are so blessed you do'nt know it yet, but you have a lot of living yet to do. I would say enjoy being 25, your a spring chicken. You are in good health, I hope and can enjoy being with your young children. I did'nt start having children until I was 35 and my youngest is 7, I still look good and feel good at 45 yrs. old.
2006-10-28 16:12:23
answer #5
answered by Katherine C 3
A 35 year old woman can be smart and beautiful whether she has 3 kids or 5 kids. Age is not important. At times marriages fail but that is not the end of the world. If she earns enough to look after the kids she should be glowing with pride and confidence which is the beauty.
2006-10-28 16:14:56
answer #6
answered by rams 4
You need reassurance. You have nothing to freak out about, but it's a natural thing to do. You say you don't regret your choices, so be glad to have so much. You never know what the future holds, so don't worry over what could happen. Enjoy what you have and continue to strive for unreached goals.
2006-10-28 16:09:23
answer #7
answered by Empy 5
Its not as bad as being 29 with your ex's 2 teenage daughters, 3 kids under the age of 10, pregnant with the fourth, and their father no where around
Count your blessings, sweetheart, I'd trade with you in hot second
2006-10-28 16:22:20
answer #8
answered by micg 4
Very attractive to the kind of person that a say 35 y.o divorced mother should want to be attractive to. I am 28 and my great husband whom I have been with since school says I am more beautiful as a Mom and a more mature wife than I ever was. If it makes you feel any better I am 28 with a 12 y.o talk about making you feel old but I love my life even with a child bigger than me before I am even 30 LOL
2006-10-28 16:15:24
answer #9
answered by STLgirl 3
What is mos important in your life? From my exp a family brings more joy than anything else, it almost sounds like you plan for things to fall apart.nuture your marriage and stay together, well worth it, but put in the effort now and don't even consider being 35 and single unless you really want that life.... not me, been there and done that, never again.
2006-10-28 16:11:43
answer #10
answered by TriDad 2