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2006-10-28 14:30:34 · 5 answers · asked by Richard K 2 in Science & Mathematics Physics

5 answers

What we call the slingshot effect helps keeps the roller coaster from falling. It's like reverse gravity or gravity in all directions. the force of the speed, and weight of the cars keeps the roller coaster on track.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roller_coaster tells us;
The cars on a typical roller coaster are not self-powered. Instead, a standard full-circuit lift-powered coaster is pulled up with a chain or cable along the lift hill to the first peak of the coaster track. Then potential energy becomes kinetic energy as the cars race down the first downward slope. Kinetic energy is converted back into potential energy as the train moves up again to the second peak. This is necessarily lower as some mechanical energy is lost due to friction. Then the train goes down again, and up, and so on. However, not all coasters run this way. The train may be set into motion by a launch mechanism (flywheel launch, linear induction motors, linear synchronous motors, hydraulic launch, compressed air launch, drive tire, etc.). Some coasters move back and forth along the same section of track; these roller coasters are called shuttles because of this motion and usually run the circuit once with riders moving forwards and then backwards through the same course. Some roller coasters are powered by a kind of locomotive. A properly designed roller coaster under good conditions will have enough kinetic, or moving, energy to complete the entire course, at the end of which brakes bring the train to a complete stop and it is pushed into the station. A brake run at the end of the circuit is the most common method of bringing the roller coaster ride to a stop.

2006-10-28 14:52:54 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

As an avid curler Coaster fan, i visit state that, as long as you preserve on with the reported policies, you are able to not fall off a journey at Six Flags. the people who go through injuries on rides the two did no longer make beneficial their safety equipment became linked or did something stupid like status up on the same time as the journey became in action. in case you lose something out of your lap on the same time as driving a curler coaster, wait until the journey is complete, then tell the journey operators and ask for suggestions. At a park like 6 Flags, the rides are inspected continuously so no, the journey can not fall off the coaster music. finally, in case you pay interest to the safety policies, keep your palms and legs interior the vehicle in any respect circumstances, make beneficial your straps and bars and stuff are linked appropriate and you hear to the instructions given by way of the journey operators, then you definitely would be secure, you would be overjoyed and you have got a ultimate time. savour. I want i became going.

2016-12-08 23:19:44 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Modern rollercoasters are design with the latest computer simulation tools. The centripetal acceleration at the top of the loop is a function of the speed and radius of the loop, so everything is designed to ensure a minimum safe speed going into the loop.

2006-10-28 15:36:42 · answer #3 · answered by arbiter007 6 · 0 0

The mechanics of that thing is incredible... It is just not believeable how it operates and does not kill... but if one knew how it operates, you would know that it is safer than going to the super market in the vehicle.. HERE IS A URL that you can bring up and it is an incredible web site(URL) on this subject.. It is a website that should be KEPT as it is great on the subject of the rollercoaster.


2006-10-28 14:35:29 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

there are chains that hold it together. DUH!

2006-10-28 14:33:09 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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