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i am checking into a swank 5 star on tuesday but i have two nights on booked and don't want to drop mega bucks but don't want to be eaten alive by bed bugs either!

Have you been? Any suggestions? Should i cab into the area and wing it or book on line ahead of time?

2006-10-28 12:42:22 · 2 answers · asked by zigzagidiot 3 in Travel Mexico Other - Mexico

i am staying at a great place for 6 of the 8 days i am in Los Cabos but i have left two nights when i arrive unbooked and want to save a bit of $$

2006-10-28 13:08:31 · update #1

2 answers

Hola! I usually recommend the Cabo Inn to anyone looking for a one or two night stay in Cabo. It is cheap, right downtown and the owners are lovely people. They do classify themselves as a youth hostel, but it seems to vary. No bed bugs. Air conditioned and fresh coffee in the manana. You'll probably meet alot more interesting people there than in your "swanky stuffy" lodgings....lol. Have a great trip!

2006-10-29 04:40:23 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Question, why would you be booked at a swank 5 star resort only to want 2 nights in a clean, but cheap place? That doesn't make sense.

In my experience in travel it is rare clean and cheap are said in the same sentance. Just remenber Mexico standards aren't the same as here in the US, not even close!

2006-10-28 19:57:13 · answer #2 · answered by Pam 5 · 1 0

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