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A fighter jet lands on an aircraft carrier's flight deck. Although the deck is 300 m long, most of the jet's acceleration occurs within a distance of 42 m. If the jet's velocity is reduced uniformly from 153 km/h to 0km/h as it moves through 42 m, what is the jet's acceleration?

I tried to do this problem myself, and I got -278,678.6 km/h², I believe that that answer is too high though.

2006-10-28 12:39:26 · 6 answers · asked by Some Guy 2 in Science & Mathematics Physics

Is the answer positive or negative?

2006-10-28 13:16:42 · update #1

6 answers

The formula is a = (v^2)/2x = (153^2)/(2*.042) = 278678.6 km/hr^2
So, you were right after all!

= 21.5 m/s^2 , (a more conventional unit)

2006-10-28 12:51:09 · answer #1 · answered by Steve 7 · 0 0

First use conversion factors to convert 153 km/hr. to m/seg. then apply the formula.

v^2=2*a*d then a = v^2/(2*d).
Where d = distance = 42 m.
V = the velocity in m/seg.
So put your calculator on work, and get the correct answer.

2006-10-28 19:49:55 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This would be way easier to solve if you knew the time it takes to decellerate to 0 velocity rather than the distance it takes. Without the time as a given you first have to calculate it as acceleration is defined as change in velocity per unit time.

2006-10-28 19:50:12 · answer #3 · answered by eggman 7 · 0 0

The key to problems like this is to make sure that you have everything in the same units. The unit for acceleration is m/s^2, so you wil need to convert km/h to m/s and repeat your calculations.

2006-10-28 19:46:34 · answer #4 · answered by larkinfan11 3 · 0 0

ignore the 300m. That is just to throw you off.

Use the newtonian formula that relates acceleration to distance, v1 and v2. And dont forget to keep your units correct.
42 m is 0.042 km

2006-10-28 19:43:50 · answer #5 · answered by brian-upstairs 3 · 1 0

Your answer is correct.

2006-10-28 19:53:39 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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