You are very young to be sure of your sexuality. Give yourself time before you create your own label. Experiment & discover who you are. I am bi but mostly I like girls. I just discovered this & I am 24. Tell other people to mind their business. You sexual preference isn't their affair. Don't be angry if this IS who you are. There's nothing wrong with you. If you feel uncomfortable, don't talk to anyone about it.
2006-10-28 08:17:02
answer #1
answered by IMHO 6
You're young. Unfortunately people are bigots. It's easier when you get out of high school. Because you're not exposed to the same 200 people every day. Just take it easy. Accept yourself as being a bisexual. You dont' have to advertise. But don't let other people's opinions get to you so badly. If they can't accept you for who you are, there are several people who will. You don't need help. There is nothing wrong with you. Since you are still attracted to women, date them while in high school if it makes you feel better. Good luck.
2006-10-28 08:30:02
answer #2
answered by gc27858 4
I disagree that 15 is too young to know your own sexuality. Pay no attention to people who discount your sexuality. You'll find that as you get older, people will stop caring. Judgment is the greatest trial of adolescence, and if it isn't your sexuality its your clothes, your music, your car, your hair, or your friends. Look forward to the day when you can live how you want without anyone giving a damn!
2006-10-28 08:18:51
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Well, the 1st thing is to accept who you are. Then you need to tell your parents and get some form of professional counseling to help you adjust to who you are. As for the jerks who tease you, that's their problem to deal with. Maybe they feel the same as you, but are afraid to face the truth.
2006-10-28 08:20:57
answer #4
answered by r200bth 2
im 16 and evey1 knew i was gay from the age of i take it is that if there actin like that towards you it means there amazed...n plus its sumthing must ppl wont do..i can b gay n still get boi n gurls still like me so i must b duin something rite..i can have both n they find a reason to hae me....n karma always cums bac true to yourself and jus live your life...if u like bois and gurls...jus say it..cuz in the long run ya'll feel great and find someone whur there is no need 2 even think bout the ones hating on u..
2006-10-28 11:23:31
answer #5
answered by jay tay 1
i am truly sorry that your peers are so ignorant that they laugh at who you are.
sadly it might just be best if you were to keep your orientation on the down-low until you can find a more accepting environment.
maybe you should join the gay-straight alliance at your school. if there isn't one, talk to your principle about starting one. chances are there are other kids at you school who are in the same position as you are.
best of luck, and stay proud of who you are.
2006-10-28 10:33:42
answer #6
answered by lady of the piano 3
are you sure you are bisexual? 15 is a very emotional, hormonal age and there is nothing wrong with finding women pretty. so many teens these days are convinced they are bi, because they are experimenting when they shouldn't be. think really hard about yourself, and who you are, and if you really, really are bi (or even gay) accept it and don't worry about what other people think of you.
2006-10-28 08:18:30
answer #7
answered by advicemom 4
You are experiencing bigotry. If you remain bisexual, you can expect to encounter prejudice for your entire life. From both gays and straights.
2006-10-28 08:17:46
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Go see a psychiatrist. Because you need help. Or you can call these people from DMlive and talk to them..(1-800-394-HOPE).
your supposed to like the opposite sex
2006-10-28 08:28:36
answer #9
answered by Big Pimpin 1
r u catholic or protestant, if you are, you must to know that God made Women ad Men, not bisexual or gays. If you are not relligious, try to think in the hottest girls, you know that thins is not an illness, you can stop to think in boys, good luck
2006-10-28 08:18:54
answer #10
answered by Juan Diego P 1