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Do the numbers on the financial statements reflect what was reported on the amended 10K's (10-K/A)? Do they update for the amended 10Ks?

2006-10-28 08:04:09 · 4 answers · asked by ben_ev0lent 1 in Business & Finance Investing

4 answers

Depends. MSN Money, for example, gets data from Media General, which actually does quite a bit of massage on the raw 10-K data (in particular, all financial statements shown on MSN Money have the same format).

2006-10-28 10:09:31 · answer #1 · answered by NC 7 · 0 0

It is good practice for a company to update its financial statements when an amended 10K is filed with the SEC, but it is not required unless a failure to update violates SEC regulations. Generally, the materiality of the amendment would drive what the company does (i.e. an administrative error vs. a restatement of earnings). If you're not sure, call the investor relations department of the company you're interested in.

2006-10-28 08:44:17 · answer #2 · answered by Philip S 2 · 0 0

Yes its true. Caste system did exist before but the purpose and the way it was managed was totally different. People were divided into different castes according to their nature of work. This was very important for the smooth functioning of a society. There was no hatred in this system. Each caste had its own particular importance and significance. For ex. if Shudras did not exist, the whole cleaning system of the society would stumble . Similarly Brahmins were responsible for the education system, the Kshatriyas for the security of the city or state and the Vaishyas would deal with the business. So it was not according to birth initially but according to the nature of work. But slowly the Britishers using their divide and rule policy fanned the sentiment which showed hatred towards the lower castes. It would benefit them, since they would recruit the lower caste people and convert them to Christians. Since the lower caste people did not get any respect in Hinduism, they would get converted easily. Sati pratha was already stopped by Prahlad Maharaj. When Hiranyakashapu was killed, he did not let her mother jump in the flames of her husbands pire. So I don't know who instigated it to start again. Before the Britishers came, India was called 'golden bird'. The Britishers looted and stole everything making India poor. I don't think India is trying to get back her lost glory. I would have been very happy if India did so. On the other hand its becoming more and more westernised. India may be able to improve her financial backwardness but it has lost its spiritual heritage. The situation may improve if educated youngsters who are spiritually advanced make efforts.

2016-05-22 03:27:23 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

yhoo finance is a pretty accurate web site to look up 10k reports or if you want a better websit just visit www.sec.gov

2006-10-28 15:22:45 · answer #4 · answered by glenn_9371 1 · 0 0

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