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I'm sure you're aware that a new video game is coming out called "Bully". In this game, kids go to school and beat each other up.

I have been teaching for two years and am currently completing a B.Ed. As an education professional, I think this game is revolting and SHOULD NOT be sold. But at the same time, I like to think of myself as an advocate for freedom of speech and freedom of information.

I know it's a slippery slope to hypocrisy, but I can't help but feel that this game is somehow akin to kiddie porn or something. Am I turning into a Fox News viewer? Can I (authoritatively) teach my students about the value of free speech and freedom of information while still protesting the release of this game? What kind of example do I set for my students if I stay silent? If I speak up?

2006-10-27 17:58:14 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

I DID NOT say anything about expressing my own beliefs in the classroom. I'm talking about the experience of existing as a teacher and understanding my own identity as an educator. The same people who say I'm not paid to express my opinions during class time (duh) are probably the ones who would object if I posed nude in Playboy on my own time!

2006-10-27 18:07:39 · update #1

11 answers

Well, just examine your underlying beliefs. Do you believe in all forms of free speech (yelling fire in a movie theater? death threats? video games that promote ideas contrary to your own), or just simply freedom of speech as long as it does not degrade society? Analyze these issues and you should be able to not only teach these children issues, but teach them to analyze their own believes and think for themselves, whether their beliefs are analogous to yours or not

2006-10-27 18:00:42 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

As long as the video game is legal they have the right to produce it. At the same time if you feel that it is revolting then you have the right to voice your opinion to the contents and boycott or protest civilly. Just do not cross that line and take action that would disrupt the production or sale of the game like the students did at Columbia University against the Minute Men. The Minute Men were asked to come there and speak and there were people there that actually wanted to listen to what they had to say and the students caused a disruption of the program and shouted down the speaker thus stifling their right to free speech. If the students didn't want to hear what they had to say then they should have stayed away or protested in front of the building. We cannot turn into a singular nation where everyone should think the same way and there is no room for thought or discussion. We also cannot turn into a nation that will not allow others to pursue their freedom if we do not agree with them. I believe that you can show your students that people have the right to free speech and that people have the right to object to the content of that speech at the same time and that is what makes this country so great. And as far as Fox News goes don't knock it unless you have tried. Don't just settle for what you have heard.

2006-10-27 18:14:22 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 1 0

Some where you have to draw a line on all things. Does free speech give you the right to scream, swear, disrupt a church service, scare people by yelling fire in public? Does freedom of the press give them the right to lie, or tell partial truths? Does freedom of information give someone the right to put creationism in your text book, if not, why can they put evolution in? It is still a theory and not a proven fact. Does freedom of information give me the right tell kids about sex, drugs, weapons? Does NAMBLA have the right to exist. The ACLU thinks so. Someday you will have to make a stand and draw a line as to what is acceptable to society. Individual rights are great, but if you do not protect our society where is the individual going to live? How safe would they be?

2006-10-27 18:32:26 · answer #3 · answered by mark g 6 · 0 0

Verbal abuse, harrassment, being rude and stalking people like the media does is not covered by the first amendment! It has 45 words that just states the goverment cannot make laws against people to have free speech and stand up for their just rights. I wished more people would read the first amendment and discuss what it really means. Exposing our kids to all the nuts in Hollywood and their idea of what free speech means has gone way to far. I have many good democrat friends and republican friends and most I do not even know what they are. It should make no difference as that is what the polls are for and no one elses business. Tell your kids to think for themselves and decide what is right and what is just plain wrong!

2006-10-27 18:16:49 · answer #4 · answered by question212 6 · 0 0

I don't see how you can reconcile freedom with opposing the release of a game. However, revolting it might be. Instead of trying to stiffle someone else's free speech you should just exercise your own by voicing your opinion as to the revolting nature of this game. Make the parents aware of your opinions regarding the game and urge them not to buy it. I'm assuming they are not giving it away free.

2006-10-27 18:07:00 · answer #5 · answered by Roadkill 6 · 1 0

Liberalism is a mental disorder, and you and your ilk are the vary reason that more and more common sense people are pulling their kids out of public schools and either sending them to parochial or private schools, and or home tutoring them. Kids definitely do not need to hear your insane ideals, and you should not be brainwashing their young minds with liberal crap, and as far as the Bully video game goes, it's just a game, and it's up to the parents to decide what their kids can or cannot play with.

2006-10-27 18:17:31 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

You aren't paid to pass your "beliefs and opinions" on to the children you are supposed to be teaching. Stand up for something for Pete's sake! No one said you had to publicize it to your class, in fact the classrooms would be better of if teachers quit editorializing on the tax payers dime while churning out barely functional illiterates!

Naw you can do whatever you want on your own time as long as its legal...if you could pose for Playboy - GO FOR IT!

2006-10-27 18:02:56 · answer #7 · answered by CrazyCatLady 4 · 1 2

Freedom of speech includes your freedom to condem the words or actions of other people. They are free to create and sell this game, you are free to condem the game.

2006-10-27 18:07:47 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

it's not a slippery slope to hypocrisy. and it is no where friggin near kiddie porn, thats just a retarded thing to say. You can support free speech and not agreee with everything thats said. you seem to be slipping down the wrong slope.

2006-10-27 18:09:06 · answer #9 · answered by nobudE 7 · 2 1

strong liberal beliefs ??what's that a specific manual of how one should react to or accept/deny things???
Freedom of speech/info is not the issue...
ALL issue's require common sense ...
...IF you teach or demand that xxx can be done or will be "accepted" as the norm or is
"OK", BECAUSE of the "freedom of speech" or the Freedom to pursue or act on what YOU want/crave/find pleasure in
THEN Chaos reigns !!! Kids can learn that violence (even fantasy games) is acceptable/cool,demand that they have a right to use whatever words they choose, demand that- teachers be required to provide each student with the same rules,length of papers/wear uniforms/post their cerificationcredentials including their grades/class standing etc,demand to have proof that afire exists before exiting the bldg and rick colds or damage to their clothes from the rain, People already know that can slander or destroy others by simply a complaint/law suit/or band together to coerice/demand that only cerain foods be allowed or ...
This obsession with Their "rights".(.which are only limited/ punnisheable by an actual law (only if caught)..is what destroys a society.
Look around...xx books banned from libraries right next to the "new science/history books that "teach" unproven environmental "facts" that are really just a ideology that seeks a world culture or the lack of historical events of the USA as the current politically correct "view" (from the liberal educators) requires that kids learn about diversity i.e. Kwanza or that American Indians did/believe or ...)
Look at our government's ability to function...constant attacks by politicians all bent on their ideology and destruction of anything /anyone who disagrees.
In todays climate..the VideoGame developers have the right to market whatever they want ..so what if their product is a lesson tha kids will learn that promotes the fun/thrill of beating people up ..Kids have "right's too" Its not their job to teach them that injuring others is good or bad if kids copy what they see then parents r at fault for npot supervising them...
The liberal ACLU (funded by US taxpayer $$) will be jumping at the gate to defend their right to produce whatever they think is "entertaining"...

Societies flourish when the members (adults and kids) use a common thread of decency/morality/manners or whatever adjective you choose. Ideas and differences of opinion are not immediatly targeted as something to demand or repress.
--Societies decline when they are obsessed with trying to ram THEIR beliefs down others throats just because they have the power/or desire to smear, slander or get a law passed that will uphold Their belief, or sue.
(The ACLU is a typical liberal example...they will use max effort to DEMAND the "right'(s)" They feel are the ONLY Correct way...)
Unless there is alaw that says one cant shout fire in a theater then the person has a right to shout...If person XX is offended by your choice in jewelry (cross/star of david/ devil/ unicorn/ witch ) or the perfume/scented deoderant you use then they can sue/demand that the employer not allow...
It is a neverending spiral into chaos where groups of individuals are forced into attacks that will hopefully retain their right to ...orfeel forced to find a way to MAKE /force others to live/ act/eat...the Only "correct" way.

As a " teacher"...you need to think about how indoctrinating people and kids into a false sense of "rights" entitlements will affect the future...
Every society has rules which can change But a society of hedonists all bent on doing what they want when they want and attacking others for their failure to agree with them is disasterous.
Rules exist because they prevent problems...common sense... but rules cannot legislate morality or any kid or adults ability to choose their action...
Educators need to deal with facts and use common sense rather than blindly rant that their viewpoint is what is "right"..
We have 2 many educators spouting off individual "vision" of how /why/xxx is right or wrong rather than the facts or truth as verified.
Professors/teachers should never be allowed to abuse their power over a captive audience.
The students become victims of their ignorance or hate...and can learn how to use their skills/power/position to abuse others..
Sorry so long but LIBERALS were the ones who "determined" that a "rating system " should be adequate protection...Parents can read the rating and act as they see fit....
The entertainment "business" adheres to liberal viewpoints that "protect everyones rights" knowing full well that no parent can protect their kid from whatever they spew ou as entertainment...Not true says the liberal...parents can monitor their kids ....
parents can lock their kids up ,keep them out of friends houses (where other parents may permit things the parent might deny), deny access to the internet (oops cant do that because TEACHERS demand that kids access the internet for school assignments) ...
Deceptive "truth" is what kids and people need to learn to recognize...

2006-10-27 19:20:33 · answer #10 · answered by ymicgee 3 · 0 0

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