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I'd like to get something like tivo, Is Tivo a DVR? what model is the best (under $200)? do I need subscription to direct tv or satellite?

2006-10-27 17:14:35 · 4 answers · asked by portsleague 1 in Consumer Electronics TiVO & DVRs

4 answers

Tivo is a DVR. Sort of like how Band-Aid is a bandage.

You can often get a DVR from your cable or satellite provider, which is convenient because it will likely have two tuners built in, and it means less clutter (one box and one remote, instead of two),

You can also get a Tivo on its own, and you'll connect it like you would a VCR. Only drawback is that if you have a tuner for your cable/satelllite, you'll have to use it to change channels, and your Tivo will only be able to record one show at once.

Tivo has a proprietary user interface and it is generally considerered to be the best available. It is very intuitive. Their fast-forward and rewind technology is also better than everybody elses, I believe. In both cases, they have patents protecting their technology. The others are still definitely usable, but not quite as nice.

DirecTV used to offer Tivo service as an add-on. I'm not sure if they still do, they annoucned some time ago they wanted to break their relationship with Tivo and do their own thing.

*I* have Tivo through DirecTV, and it still works (and I love it), but I'm not sure they're still selling it.

If you get Tivo, either independatnly or (if possible) thru DirecTV, there is a montlhy fee to get programming info. DirecTV charges $6 per month, I believe, (in addition to all the other charges), and if you go to Tivo directly its at least $12/month. Cable providers will charge you extra if you have a DVR, and the cost should be in the range of $5-$10/month.

Tivo used to offer a lifetime subscription for $250, which means after about two years its a better deal and you're ahead of the game from that point on...

Oh yeah, there is an advantage to having a Tivo on its own: you can network it to other Tivos and I think even your computer. You can also hit Tivo's website and program your Tivo from there! (say you're at work and find out something is coming on you want to record...) Tivo thru DirecTV does not offer these features.

2006-10-27 17:21:52 · answer #1 · answered by Jim S 5 · 0 0

Tivo is the best. I've tried the cable company's and Dish networks DVRs. If they were the only thing available, I get it. But Tivo is so much easier to use and feature rich, there is really no comparison.

Based on my experience, You won't regret getting a Tivo.

The Tivo subscription is IN ADDITION to where ever you get your signal (Cable, Sat, or antenna). You still need that signal.

2006-10-28 08:05:00 · answer #2 · answered by John L 5 · 0 0

The only way to have tivo in a couple of months virgin media cable have changed there set top box for a tivo one which stars in a month or so,and you mention having cable so thats ok.Talking about having a subscription is a bit cheap,you wont get nothing like that or free its impossible.Tivo has been used in the usa for about 20 years and always has been there top manufacture,england is about to go down the same path,starting out with cable so wait and see honey

2016-05-22 02:23:34 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you have cable just rent one from your cable company. They are about 5 bucks a month and have all the same features. if you don't have cable , then it's a must that you buy a TIVO, the menu and interface can't be beat in any DVR and they ave refurb units for free at TIVO.com with activation.

2006-10-28 13:09:58 · answer #4 · answered by Hello World 1 · 0 0

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