"Smell & Taste Good For Her" from:
Although there is no scientific evidence to prove any of the following claims that are believed to improve the taste of your semen, they are nevertheless widely believed among drinkers and squirters alike.
Believe it or not, many of the things that affect body odor are believed to affect the taste of semen as well. For instance, alcohol and coffee are believed to give semen a bitter, pungent taste.
There are many ingredients composing semen, and its makeup is the same from man to man. Here are a few of the constituent elements: vitamin C, calcium, chlorine, cholesterol, citric acid, creatine, fructose, lactic acid, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, vitamin B12, and zinc.
So what effect will all this have on her waistline? Well, not much of an effect at all. The caloric content of the average ejaculate is estimated to be approximately 5 to 25 calories -- hardly the most fattening meal.
As well, cigarettes, garlic, onions, broccoli, and cauliflower are also believed to alter the taste of your love juice. The cigarettes need no explanation; you're inhaling fire, let's get real. But because the aforementioned foods tend to have a distinct odor, it's believed that they will affect the way you taste.
If you're dehydrated, pig out on spicy foods or are taking medication, these factors may also contribute to an uninviting flavor. So maybe you should take it easy on Mexican delights and start downing water like there's no tomorrow.
What To Eat/Drink:
Green tea
Chamomile tea
What To Avoid:
Brussels Sprouts
Chemically processed liquor
Dairy Products
Red meat
Considering most guys are avid meat eaters, keep in mind that red meat apparently makes semen taste more acidic. Hmm, nothing like the taste of acid to end off a wonderful night of sexual fun.
To sweeten up your inner load, drink plenty of pineapple juice, and eat bananas and papaya. Their sweetness results in yours. And of course, lest we forget that parsley can do wonders for men worldwide -- it eliminates body odor, freshens breath and improves the taste of seminal fluid.
Fruits like kiwi, watermelon, celery, and pineapple are all said to make semen taste lighter. Beer and coffee are believed to have something of an opposite effect, and could leave her with a bitter taste in the mouth. Alkaline-based foods like meat and fish produce a buttery taste, while acidic fruits (cranberries, blueberries and plums) produce a pleasant, sugary flavor. Most liqueurs will do the same, while dairy products can make for a foul taste because of their high bacterial putrefaction levels.
Always keep in mind that everyone has a distinct taste and even if you do all these things, she might still find the taste of your fluid repulsive. But if she's more than willing and able to sacrifice for the greater good, then have her down a mint before she makes her way down south.
The mint will serve to hinder the flavor of your semen and will simultaneously provide you with indescribable sensations.
from : http://www.jackinworld.com/library/science/semcomp.html
While we sometimes refer to semen as "sperm," sperm cells (spermatozoa) actually constitute only about 10% of our total ejaculate. That 10% contains from 200 million to 500 million sperm cells, though the figure can be higher for younger males due to the pubescent production of androgen hormones, such as testosterone, which also trigger the growth body hair and the lowering of the voice. (Remember: It takes only one sperm cell to fertilize an egg and make a baby.)
The remaining 90% is referred to as seminal plasma. (Plasma is defined as a fluid that carries a suspended solid, whether it's blood "fluid" carrying blood cells, or semen carrying sperm.) Composition of seminal plasma varies among individuals, and even in the same individual from time to time. It contains some 30 substances (many in minute quantities); some are produced by different parts of our male anatomy, and some are by-products of body functions. They include:
• ascorbic acid (vitamin C, for tissue maintenance)
• blood-group antigens (from immune system)
• calcium (mineral)
• chlorine (oxidizing agent)
• cholesterol (steroid alcohol present in body fluids)
• choline (base, part of the vitamin B complex)
• citric acid (occurs during cellular metabolism)
• creatine (nitrogenous substance found in muscle)
• deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
• fructose (sugar used for energy)
• glutathione (peptide amino acid)
• hyaluronidase (enzyme)
• inositol (sugar found in muscles)
• lactic acid (byproduct of muscle use)
• magnesium (mineral)
• nitrogen (gas found in all living tissue)
• phosporus (mineral)
• potassium (mineral)
• purine (compound of uric acid)
• pyrimidine (organic base)
• pyruvic acid (formed from either glucose or glycogen)
• sodium (salt)
• sorbitol (body alcohol)
• spermidine (catalytic enzyme)
• spermine (ammonia compound found in sperm)
• urea (from urine)
• uric acid (from urine)
• vitamin B12 (for proper function of nervous system and metabolism)
• zinc (mineral)
Actual semen quantity differs among individuals and can also change for the same individual during different times of his life. Genetics plays an important part in how much a male will ejaculate. Most males ejaculate about one teaspoon of semen. Some medications may affect the amount of semen produced. And you will notice that the longer you take between orgasms the larger the quantity of semen you will ejaculate. (You've probably noticed that if you masturbate more than once a day that the second, third or fourth time you achieve orgasm you release smaller and smaller quanitities of semen. Wait overnight and see how much more your body made while you were asleep.) Additionally, the more aroused you get and the longer you take to ejaculate, the more semen your body will produce. Foreplay — touching yourself in special ways in special places — will sometimes stimulate the body to produce more semen, since the body's reproductive glands (such as the prostate) work harder when you're aroused.
Semen from a mature male is usually a milky or pearly-white color. It is not uncommon to see a yellowish tint to the semen if you've abstained from ejaculation for a while. Semen colored with red streaks may signify blood. If you occasionally see a bit of blood it's not necessarily a cause for alarm, but if you see a lot of it, or if it persists, the condition should be brought to the attention of your physician. The same goes any other drastic color changes, which may indicate infection.
2006-10-30 11:57:58
answer #4
answered by ButtahChick (ButterChick) 4