Despite all the doubting postings, the answer IS China.
I will speculate on other possible future superpowers: India, Iran, Russia and Brazil. Controversial, I know, but each, with emerging populations, resources & energy and hegemony in their regions, possible.
2006-10-27 15:52:39
answer #1
answered by ElOsoBravo 6
Top 5 countries currently:
The United States of America
The United Kingdoms
United Russian Federation
5.A tie between Israel and Iran
I think the strongest in 20 years will still be the U.S.A. as China is having extreme problems that are too numerous to list but for a big one political unrest and overpopulation. Just those two are already causing probles, and you know what happens with economies. Righ before the U.S. great depression the economy was amazing and then it dropped incredibly fast. Same might happen with China
2006-10-27 22:04:35
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Top 5 countries today
1. US
2. UK
3. Germany
4. Japan
5. France
Top 5 countries in 20 years
1. US
2. European Union
3. Russia
4. Middle Eastern Union
5. East Asian Socialist Union
The only reason I cannot support the claim that China will become the world's greatest supperpower is that its overpopulation is putting such a great strain on the nation, I think its bound for collapse and revolution
2006-10-27 21:43:17
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I consider China already a superpower. The next country that could break in I think would be India.
The top 5
1) USA
2) China
3) The United Kingdom
4) Russia
5) Debatable, but because of their military I would say Israel
2006-10-27 21:53:42
answer #4
answered by messtograves 5
Lee W is in denial. The U.S. will always be the number one country.Always! And something else you may not know is that the U.S. has a nuclear Sub. that would be the second most powerful country if it could be listed that way. Next would be Russia,then England,France,Israel. Yes Israel! They have more than most people know about. They can take care of Iran in a day.
2006-10-27 21:55:03
answer #5
answered by sumrtanman 5
The next superpower will be Europe. All the countries - eventually - will join together into one giant government and military.
2006-10-27 22:21:27
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
There will only be two Superpowers in 20 years, Russia and China.
According to the Washington D.C. Institute for Military Readiness, over the past two decades Russia and China have mutually hammered out a bilateral planetary initiative for world co-dominance. China's version of the plan is called "The Long March". The two nations have signed over two dozen covert strategic treaties to implement this bilateral-plan, and have also set up a hotline between Beijing and Moscow. The major bulk of financial gain China has abundantly racked in as "Most Favored Nation Trade Status" with the U.S. ($165 billion per year) is being converted into the technology and weapons of mass destruction that will be exclusively used for ultimate U.S. destruction. Russia and China (and their duped partners, Germany and France) are the exclusive secret financers and providers of arms and technology to Anti-American rogue nations and groups throughout the world, i.e. Al Qaeda, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Korea, etc. (Hence, U.S. military intelligence possess satellite surveillance images taken before the pending invasion of Iraq and the Iraq war documenting the Russian-aided movement of "arms of mass destruction" out of Iraq and into Syria where this arsenal has bee secretly stored, however due to the Russian connection the Bush Administration has been forced to keep this data concealed so as not to implicate the Russians into WWIII.) This segment of the Russia-China Bilateral Plan, using the rogue groups, is to strategically erode U.S. financial stability, deplete U.S. military resources and cause domestic U.S. civil strife within our borders, which will radically inflame exponentially when the President will be forced to institute "The Military Draft." The plan aims at creating civil unrest, riots and even a "New American Civil War" (hence the smuggling into U.S. ports of military hand-held weaponry from China for U.S. street gangs) with the main purpose to precipitate the dropping of our vigilant guard. The bilateral-plan calls for the ultimate deployment of a timely "trick" in which China will launch an invasion of Taiwan, knowing that a massive U.S. defensive will be mobilized to that portion of the world, the West Pacific. Simultaneously, Russian nuclear submarines will be already strategically in place in the Gulf of Mexico on the Tropic of Cancer (with the aid of Cuba, the corrupt Mexican government and Nicaragua), an ideal location for a vast radial nuclear sweep of all the major U.S. cities from San Diego to Boston and every major city in between. A thermal nuclear ambush of the United States will ensue, killing 95% of all Americans; only about 15 million rural Americans will survive. The plan aims to annex North America under Chinese rule as the "New China," a Sino-American Territory of Communist dictatorship. Simultaneously, no longer having the allied military and nuclear assistance of the U.S., Europe will be subsequently invaded by Russia as its "prize" in the bilateral-plan. The secondary leg of the plan calls for the conquest of Africa and the Middle-East by Russia; and Central and South America, India and Southeast Asia, including Japan, by China. Hence, the bilateral rule of the earth by Russia and China will be accomplished and shall then commence, however the economic status of the world will have been plummeted to the standard of living of the 13th Century, because the primary world consumer, 300 million Americans, will no longer exist.
The prophecies of the Hopi Indians, the visions of George Washington at Valley Forge, and the visions of Mother Shipton of Old England appear to accurately coincide and confirm this future scenario.
2006-10-28 03:00:54
answer #7
answered by . 5
Russia and China are one country now for all purposes.
2006-10-27 22:34:46
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
The countries to be super powers will be in Africa
2006-10-27 21:43:38
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
There will be NO superpowers... Iran will destroy the world, or at least knock it back to the "dark ages"... Wake up, people!!!
2006-10-27 21:46:07
answer #10
answered by Lee W 4