to me the intelligent design thing makes sense there seems to be an order to even the random and don't you ever feel a ever loving presence at your side greater than your self when you witness the beauty of a child being born conciser gravity the complexity of the genome the variation of life on this plaint the in finance of the universe or visit the space between thought it seems only logical that God exists this is not evidence., but it is my yes.
2006-10-27 13:49:35
answer #1
answered by dancfan 3
When something "exists" it has attributes, things that can be observed at will and measured.
God doesn't seem to have any attributes that can be measured therefore it seems safe to say that God does not have existence. This is exactly the same reason why we say that unicorns don't exist.
Also, the criticism can be made that if you are concerned about the existence of God, you are objectifying God, that is, you are treating God like an object. If God is not an object it would be natural that God didn't exist in any sense that we think of existence. It also means that all, no exceptions, of the stories about God in the Bible, Koran, etc. are silly nonsense, which, never-the-less, has had profound effects on human society, culture, and civilization.
Regretfully, the profound effects have been both negative as much as positive. The reason is that beliefs tend to divide rather than unify the world. And a belief in a God tends to orientate the believers toward an authoritarian hierarchy, which is anti-democratic, anti-science, anti-education, anti-civil rights, etc.
Beliefs are basically nothing more than a declaration of membership in a group and little more. By declaring membership, at the same time, the believer is declaring they are also NOT a member of any other group of believers.
The divisions of humanity by separate and equally invalid beliefs sets up adversarial conflicts and certainly not the peace that the believers think they can achieve if only the other believers believed as they do. This conflict can and often does reach the proportions of murder, genocide, and war all in the name of a God whose existence cannot even be verified.
It seems that a belief in God is the most common form of madness by humans.
It will be a measure of the ability of humanity to survive and progress by whether it is able to eventually stop being puzzled by questions of whether God exists and deal with things it can answer, leaving beliefs and God on the dust bin of history, along with communism and other idealistic Utopian nonsense.
2006-10-27 14:31:26
answer #2
answered by Alan Turing 5
There is no evidence that god exist. The god that people lay claim tonow has only been around for anbout 3000 years(in their minds).
Before than there wasn't a single god. Evey nation, tribe, city, group or individuals had their own gods and there were many .
The american Indians had gods for fire, wind, water, waves, animals, trees, the harvest, ect.
Th europeans basically did also as did african tribes, and many small asian tribes.
Most asians were and still are atheist but often associate them selves with some spiritual leader such as budda.
The Jews invented the ide aof a single god, the christinas and the muslim fiollowed suit, claiming the jewish god as their own.
So with gradual acceptance of the idea of one god the many gods have vanished.
But there has never been one shred of proof of a god.
Just those seeking some releif after death from the horrors they suffered while alive on earth or people not willing to believe there may be nothing after death and refusing to belive otherwise.
But the facts support evolution wihtout an external intelligent interference.
2006-10-27 13:50:50
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
First of all, please, stop saying God's existence depends on one's religious belief. There's an objective and common reality for all out there, and neither belief nor disbelief will change it. So this matter doesn't depend on anything out of itself. Gos exists or doesn't exist. Period.
As for the question itself, mankind doesn't have an answer yet, so this question remains unanswered till today. There are lots of hypothesis and opinions but that's all they are: hypothesis and opinions. This is not a matter of faith or personal belief. Faith and personal belief are futil here. This is a matter of facts. God is not know to be a fact so far. There is little and contradictory information about Him and His existence, so mankind finds itself unable to reach a definitive conclusion on this matter. And i honestly think that it'd be much too arrogant of us to want to speak by the whole humankind when we try to answer this question based on our personal beliefs.
Again, the question wasn't if you believed or not in God. The question is if God exists or not. And my answer is: "I don't know", and i encourage you to be humble enough to do the same.
2006-10-27 14:59:34
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Yes. Earlier this week I presented St. Anselm's prove for the existence of God. Now I will present Descartes' proof.
Descartes (I'll call him D. for brevity's sake) is famous for his phrase, "I think, therefore I am". From this can be extrapolated (originally by D) a proof for God's existence. But first an explanation for the phrase/sentence. D. thought "How can we know that what we are feeling is actually true. How can I know if I exist? Could this all be a trick, made up by an person who wishes to trick me?" (That wasn't an exact quote). From this, D. realized that since all that he can know definately is what goes on inside his mind. Because he knew that his mind (the soul and thought life part of the brain) existed but not neccasarily his body, "I think therefore I am."
That is where he gets his phrase. Now, to God. D. thought that because this evil trickster may exist, a standard must also exist to be tricked from. This standard must have originated somewhere. Someone must have made it. The maker of this standard is God. Therefore "I think, therefore I am." Becuase I can think, God must exist.
2006-10-27 13:48:22
answer #5
answered by R. D 2
the word god means existence
eg, bible: god's name is I AM, which means that god's 'thing', his essence, his nature, his action, is existing - wherever existing is happening, there is god - there is absolutely nothing in existence that is not god - god is existingness, aka life, everything, reality, existence
nonexistence cannot exist - there is no nonexistence in existence - everything that exists is existence, aka god
god is infinite, infinite means non-ending, means allincluding - therefore god = infinity = existence = everything
most organised religion [in the west, anyway] SEPARATES god & world, god & existence, god & ordinary life - so most organised religion is ANTIreligion, because religion means UNITING god & man, ie, uniting, not with glue or rope, but by showing that god = man, man = god, man = existence, existence = man, all is one, all is life, all is love, the imperfections of life illuminate the perfection, by contrast - no contrast, no picture - so no imperfection, no perfection - like, no separation between lovers means no uniting of lovers - us being in an imperfect world is an act of love, part of giving us the eyes to see the perfection & infinite love & everlasting life everywhere - so everything turns out in the end to be perfect, even imperfection! great, great, great!!!
the world we see with our eyes is just the wrapping paper - at a certain time, the right time for us each, we get 'xray eyes' that see the reality, the real present 'within' everything
wrapping a present, hiding the present is part of the act of love
'i laugh at those who look for god as i would laugh at a fish in the ocean looking for water' st augustine
religion is re-ligio, is rejoining, reuniting [ligio, as in the words ligament [which joins muscle & bone] & ligature]
religion, which so often gives you the impression that god is elsewhere, is not everything, is not man, not world, not sex, is wrong
jesus said: heaven is at hand, which means god is handy, is at the end of your hand - existence! I AM
the koran says: god is closer to you than your jugular vein - in fact, the real you is god [because everything is god, everything is life, everything is existence, all is one, all is life, all is you, all is god]
we are trapped into thinking things are only different, distinct - when we can see that all things are also all the same thing, namely life, god, you, existence, love, we have the xray eyes, the spiritual eyes, seeing that the spirit or essence of everything is the same
like the notes in a tune: the notes are different, but the tune is one, & the spirit of the tune is love - everything is love, even hate & evil & pain - the imperfections, the bad things are the wrapping paper - diamonds always come in boxes!
the purpose of life is to open the box with xray eyes & see the diamond of life/ love/ god/ you/ existence
that is a happy day!
& it will come!
to each & every one of us!
& it will come again & again & again, forever, as we forget remember forget remember, leave, come back, leave, come back...
every 'good' story has a 'bad' bit in the middle
yes, virginia, god exists, & god is you & god is life & god is everthing, & everything is perfect & everything is love - &, in your infinite existence, you will know it sometimes, & be re-learning it other times, both of which are, in the long view, lovely
2006-10-27 14:41:40
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Life is too precise for a superior being not to exist. For one day, stop all things you normally do. Go out to a state or federal park. Where some clothes that you can walk and climb around in. Now walk and listen closely to the animals. Watch the ground for bugs and snakes. Look in the trees for birds. Just nature? No...each of these animals do not worry about life's politics. They accept that they will exist the way our creator has expected him to and you will see all the beauty that exists.
Go back home and even if you don't have a plot of land, seed some flowers in some soil in a pot and let it grow. Don't watch it every day, but make sure it's moist every day. Just watching it grow will make you believe.
If you can, go to the nursery at a hospital and look at the babies and then if you can, visit a childcare center. Watch the children and how they play and how they ask questions.
This is our creator in all of us. All wise, all loving, all around.
2006-10-27 14:35:22
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
In the movie “The Gods Must Be Crazy,” a native in the Kalahari Desert encounters technology for the first time--in the shape of a Coke bottle. I found this to be very amusing, but I also began to see parallels between his thought process, and that of the modern day Theist. Both are using CAVEMAN LOGIC to explain their world. I fail to see the difference between “hmm, bottle fall from sky, must be gods” and “hmm, trees and butterflies prove the existence of god.”
In both of these cases, someone is simply replacing one unknown for another unknown, but proving nothing!
Not only can God not be proven, but I will also go so far as to say that God can be disproved. It is impossible for something to be all knowing and all good. If you are aware that something bad is going to happen, and you allow it to happen anyway, then you cannot be all good. If God created everything, then he also created evil. It is also impossible to be all-powerful; can God create a rock that even he himself cannot move?
2006-10-27 17:46:27
answer #8
answered by Its not me Its u 7
God exists in the minds of those who believe he exists.
2006-10-27 13:39:30
answer #9
answered by sophronia 2
God is the ultimate nature of reality itself.
2006-10-27 13:40:41
answer #10
answered by Anonymous