2006-10-27 11:47:35
answer #1
answered by nitabooj 3
If taken correctly (at about the same time every day and no skipped pills) the pill is 99% effective at preventing pregnancy. Sometimes the pill thins the lining of the uterus so much that women do skip their period, but for the most part it's not normal to be late on the pill because the cycle is artificially constructed and regulated by the hormones in the pill. If she's late, she should take a test. At this point you shouldn't be worried about her chances of *getting* pregnant; you should worry about her chances of *being* pregnant.
2006-10-27 11:46:08
answer #2
answered by mockingbird 7
If she's already five days late I'd be getting her a pregnancy test!!
Getting pergnant while on the pill can take place if one of three things has happened...she missed a pill, if she took the pill at a different time than she usually does, and if she's been on antibiotics. Even though the pill is in her system doesn't mean that missing a pill will protect you. As for taking antibiotics while on the pill...well they actaully lessen the affect of the pill. I was told this by an OB/GYN and it happen to me. I became pregnant while on the pill because I was taking antiboitics at the time.
But like I said either she has irregular periods or she's pregnant now!! Get a pregnancy test!!
2006-10-27 11:47:00
answer #3
answered by emanuelsmom 1
The reason she is late could be because of the pill..sometimes it does weird things with periods. I was on the pill, took it regularly, and I ended up getting pregnant, so it is possible. If she's already 5 days late, she can take a pregnancy test.
2006-10-27 11:44:15
answer #4
answered by How could I have burned paradise 1
I was on the pill when I got pregnant so you never really no my boyfriend worryed about that to but it happend anyways not trying to freak you out .. Just telling you what happend to me if you think she is have her go get a pregnants test blood work would be better then the ones you do at home cuz they are 99.9% but if she is be there for her cuz you both will need each other and will both be scared ..but have her get tested just to be sure you could be worrying about nothing ..good luck...
2006-10-27 11:46:30
answer #5
answered by Heather marie 1
I have a 17 year old to prove it's possible. Sometimes taking certain antibiotics while on the pill can also weaken the effectiveness. Thats what happened in my case (not all doctors knew about that then though)
2006-10-27 11:46:42
answer #6
answered by knittinmama 7
well.. If you don't take the pill correctly, (must take it on time the same time EVERY day) chances of being pregnant. VERY POSSIBLE!
I'd get a pregnancy test to rule it out!
2006-10-27 11:41:42
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
depends when she first started taking them if its her first month taking them then she could be pregnant if she didnt take them at the same time every month then she could be pregnant if she missed a pill or more she could be pregnant....if you want to be sure then take a pregnancy test or go to the doctor and have her take a blood test
2006-10-27 11:44:59
answer #8
answered by jennifertrinitysky 4
I got pregnant while on the pill. It is only 99% effective. ANYONE could fall into that 1%. USE A CONDOM IF YOU DON'T WANT ANY KIDS.
2006-10-27 12:08:00
answer #9
answered by strawberry 2
Not real high, but not impossible. If this is her first month taking them, then it's highly possible. Take a test.
2006-10-27 11:41:24
answer #10
answered by Anonymous