Before sending a text message yesterday evening I checked my balance on my Online Pay as You Go phone and it indicated that there was a credit of 24p remaining. Fine I thought, the weathers bad and I'll send a message to my wife saying how I was getting home and not to worry. I was trying to keep enough credit so as I had enough to send at least another if I desperately needed to.
So I sent my message, kept it short and sweet using only 84 characters and thinking that I would still have enough credit to send another should the weather get too bad.
No! O2 decided to knock my credit down to 0.04p for sending one message costing 10p? Ermmm something doesn't add up here! Emailed O2 and they suggested that I must have gone over the 160 character limit as they could see two messages going to one number at the same time (I later checked and they received one). So I told them that they were wrong and asked whether there was a technical issue, to which they denied. Unfair? Or what?
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