Well, in the Netherlands prostitution is now a registered profession. Prostitutes pay taxes, and are protected byt all sorts of laws that keep pimps from abusing these women. So that's a good thing. Also, because it's no longer illegal to be a prostitute, the police can use their forces to other, more important matters. And also, it is harder for illegal citizens to become a prostitute, so there is less illegal trade of women from Africa and Eastern Europe. Besides all that, there are numerous organizations, like unions, who protect the rights of prostitutes and make sure they do things safely and legal.
These are the benefits of this legislation. The downside is that there are still lots of illegal brothels and clubs, where women are still exploited, and because of the legislation it is becoming harder and harder to track these down and close them. This way there are lots of misused women, that are harder and harder to protect from men who abuse them.
But still I'd say it would be better to legislate prostitution. There will always be prostitution, and I think it's a better thing to have than men who are unable to relieve their sexual frustration, and turn to worse things than going to the whores, like rape. Forbidding prostitution makes the problems less visible, and makes an easier way for women to be abused.
2006-10-27 08:25:08
answer #1
answered by Jaco K 3
i think of it could be very useful for women human beings. a million. it would decrease down on the transmission of STDs 2. the ladies human beings could be risk-free from serial killers and rapists. 3. the ladies human beings does no longer be on the mercy of her "pimp". 4. adult adult males might desire to easily pass to work out a prostitute rather of the semi-prostitution they do now - picking up a under the impact of alcohol woman at a bar and rather using her. 5. the ladies human beings might desire to set their very own limitations of what they are going to and could no longer do greater quite. 6. the ladies human beings could be paying taxes on their earnings. 7. there is not greater waste of penal complex time or prosecution for the adult adult males or the ladies human beings. 8. adult adult males might properly be greater discreet approximately it in the event that they have "specific desires" and can't stumble on a woman chum. in line with danger if some adult adult males have been waiting to act out fantasies, that they had be much less in all likelihood to act out aggressivly in different procedures - many violent adult adult males seem to have larger than known testosterone and intercourse drives. All in all, i think of it quite is the main secure, maximum lifestyles like answer. Making prostitution unlawful is like prohibition interior the 20's - individuals are going to do it besides, so it would to boot be risk-free and much less crime-ridden. From a women human beings's rights perspective, they are going to be secure by potential of predatory adult adult males and pimps, and can insist on using condoms, understanding that different women human beings all will, too.
2016-12-28 06:37:43
answer #2
answered by devoss 3
Come up with a way to tax it all the time and the goverment will approve it. I am for it.
2006-10-27 08:19:14
answer #3
answered by redhotboxsoxfan 6
Detriment - It is trafficking in peoples flesh and souls.
2006-10-27 08:19:58
answer #4
answered by Cabana C 4
Free for super studs to make sure the quality is there.
2006-10-27 08:14:56
answer #5
answered by super stud 4
Prostitution should be legalized...
2006-10-27 08:13:37
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Legalize and Tax it.
2006-10-27 08:19:58
answer #7
answered by campbyrdie 2
well, we may get a better handle on sexual diseases...so that would be much better.
2006-10-27 08:31:55
answer #8
answered by fairly smart 7