usually 12 (sometimes 13) about every 29 days
"Many moons ago" often refers to years or seasons rather than moon cycles.
When we have 13 full moons in a year, obviously we have more than one in a month. That second full moon of the month is the "blue moon" often referred to by parents when they say something happens "once in a blue moon."
2006-10-27 06:42:50
answer #1
answered by Kwa Nini Hufahamu? 4
Knowing the number of days in a year calculate the number of lunar orbits in a year (the answer won't be an integer).
Find a calendar which shows which day the Moon is full this month and next month. How many days are there between this month's full moon and next month's? This should not be the same as the orbital period. After you do this problem you should know why and how they are different.
Calculate the number of lunar months in a year (that is, the number of cycles from full moon to full moon. Again, the answer won't be an integer).
Get four people together, one to be the Sun, one the Earth, one the Moon, and one to be a distant star. Have the Earth walk slowly around the Sun while the Moon is walking more quickly in a smaller circle around the Earth. Have the star count how many orbits of the Moon occur in a year (that is, how many times the Moon is lined up between the Earth and the star in the time it takes the Earth to walk once around the Sun). Have the Sun count the number of full moons in a year (that is, the number of times in a year the Moon lines up behind the Earth as seen by the Sun.
Discuss (verbally and then in writing) what your walking around tells you about the difference between the number of lunar orbits in a year and the number of months in a year. Note: our calendar month doesn't quite agree with either of these.
2006-10-27 07:28:49
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
12 or 13
2006-10-27 14:33:27
answer #3
answered by keral 6
full moon day comes once a month. so, we may have 12 or 13 full moon days in a year.sorry there is only one moon for the earth.
2006-10-27 06:50:24
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
There are 13 full moons in a year.
2006-10-27 06:49:26
answer #5
answered by Max Marie, OFS 7
Only One Moon
2006-10-27 18:51:33
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
2006-10-27 06:38:30
answer #7
answered by ☼shine☼ 3
The moon cycles every 28 days.
365 days in a year /28 days per lunar cycle = 13 full moons in a year.
Much before we used the Julian, and then our current, Gregorian calendar, years where kept by counting the moons, using the Lunar calendar (some cultures still use the lunar calendar).
Many moons ago was the term used when they meant a long time ago.
2006-10-27 06:55:08
answer #8
answered by makawao_kane 6
There are 12 full moons in a year.One each month.
2006-10-27 06:54:58
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
2006-10-27 06:55:33
answer #10
answered by Anonymous